Workers hired to meet roaring demand have been left twiddling their thumbs.
" Wild! " he said, twiddling the replay knob on the side.
The wizard went back to the desk, sat down, and twiddled his thumbs, watching the door.
I say that I don't want to be twiddling my thumbs.
That would be twiddling your thumbs.
Our scriptwriter does not sit around here at ESL Podcast twiddling her thumbs.
我们的编剧不会坐在 ESL 播客闲逛。
" To twiddle your thumbs" means to sit around and do nothing, in this case.
“To twiddle your thumbs”在种情况下意味着坐在那里什么都不做。
" Hit me , " she said , twiddling her fingers for the cigarette .
" 给我一支," 她说,捻动手指要香烟抽。
Now, he only twiddled his thumbs.
He sat down and used the tweezers to twiddle some twig.
I don't think people are going to be sort of sat there twiddling their thumbs.
I snubbed out my cigarette and leaned back in the pink chair and twiddled my thumbs.
我掐灭了香烟, 靠在粉红色的椅子, 玩弄着拇指。
" I hope one day I can make her proud, " Zetta said, twiddling her own thumbs now.
“我希望有一天我能让她感到骄傲,”Zetta 说,现在她的拇指在不停地转动。
At the peak over a fifth of European workers remained technically employed even as they twiddled their thumbs.
You mean I have to sit here twiddling my thumbs while I wait for the plane to take off?
Throughout the interview, she fidgeted about and kept twiddling the strap on her handbag, which she clutched tightly to herself.
在整个采访过程中, 她坐立不安, 不停地摆弄着手提包的带子,她紧紧地抓住了手提包。
Keep your knife almost in the same place and then just twiddle and roll the pip, and that is for the chef.
将你的刀几乎放在同一个地方,然后旋转和滚动 pip,是给厨师的。
While we waited for the car to come up she stood on the step, just as before, twiddling her foot, looking down.
在我们等车子开过来的时候, 她像以前一样站在台阶, 转动着她的脚, 低着头。
" Because I can't: " and the lobster twiddled his horns more fiercely than ever, but he was forced to confess.
" I have gone temporarily deaf and haven't any idea what you said. Harry, " said Dumbledore, twiddling his thumbs and staring at the ceiling.