They carried him down to the beach and dumped him unceremoniously in the freezing water.
We were unceremoniously ejected in front of all of our friends.
Britain, France, Italy, Spain—have been unceremoniously dumped by their voters.
Brown moved to the Foreign Office and the upstart department was unceremoniously closed down in 1969.
For an assignment on changing neighborhoods, Valencia wrote about a favorite local chain restaurant that was " unceremoniously closed."
" Did he never visit you unceremoniously at dinner again" ?
“再也没有在晚餐时毫不客气地拜访过你吗” ?
Tuppence snatched the two precious envelopes from him unceremoniously, and scrutinized them carefully.
Any paths found blocked are unceremoniously unblocked.
Fitness programs that surged in popularity-Zumba, Jazzercise, Buns of Steel-only to be unceremoniously replaced by the next hot trend abound.
And in point of fact, it was kind of unceremoniously canceled.
And he's known to have been rather reckless with them, shoving them unceremoniously into drawers and pockets.
众所周, 这些东西相当鲁莽,毫不客气地将它们塞进抽屉和口袋里。
She had helped herself, and was unceremoniously munching one of the cakes.
她自己动手, 毫不客气地嚼着其中一块蛋糕。
Mr Hunt was appointed to the job after Kwasi Kwarteng was unceremoniously sacked as chancellor by Liz Truss, the prime minister.
It came just two hours after he was unceremoniously sworn in as our new president.
匆匆宣誓就任总统后才过了两个小时{\an8}早间新闻 柯克曼总统的第一次讲话。
" She broke my nose" . Lem dumped her unceremoniously to the floor. " Who in seven hells is she supposed to be" ?
" 这家伙打断了我的鼻子。" 柠檬随手把她扔在地上。" 七层地狱,她究竟是什么人?"
And, unceremoniously picking her up, Mac landed her in the carriage before she could say a word.
然后,麦克毫不客气地把她抱起来, 没等她说一句话, 就把她放到了马车里。
In the neighborhoods where they grew up, bodies are left unceremoniously in areas where workers are putting up buildings.
His body was unceremoniously pulled from the bed and down the staircase, his head thumping loudly on each step.
Poirot brushed her aside unceremoniously and rushed down the passage to where the other maids were grouped round the further door.
波洛毫不客气地把她推到一边, 冲下过道,冲向其女仆聚集在另一扇门周围的地方。
" You speak very unceremoniously of my kindred, " said Phoebe, debating with herself whether she ought to take offence.
And after the empire was unceremoniously dissolved in 1806, the struggle to contain Germany became the leitmotif of successive European and world wars.