I've spent too much time in the company of uncouth men.
You are so uncouth, the lot of you, unlike your tough beef, this is lovely.
He would become dreadful, hideous, and uncouth.
If someone has bad manners, they are " uncouth" .
(hands clap) Your behavior has been uncouth and obstreperous.
The uncouth has set her free.
He was an ugly, uncouth fellow.
Husband and wife exchanged a look. " The man is insolent, Your Grace, " Falyse said. " Uncouth and foul-mouthed" .
史铎克渥斯堡的夫妻俩交换了一个。" 人慢,下," 法丽丝抢先揭发," 口无遮拦。"
He disliked the fisher folk, who were rough, uncouth, and went to chapel.
他不喜欢渔民, 他们、, 去教堂。
But you know I am but an uncouth Milton manufacturer; will you forgive me'?
但是你知道我只是一个的米尔顿制造商; 你会原谅我吗'?
George, that's very uncouth for you to ask that in public.
乔治 你在公共场合么问也太辱了吧。
Its habits are too uncouth for it to respond to humane treatment.
When last he had seen her she had been his little, half-naked Mangani-wild, savage, and uncouth.
Still more shadowy were the sinister crocodilian outlines—alligators and other uncouth shapes, culminating in the colossal lizard, the iguanodon.
His voice and language are more uncouth, and more difficult to be understood by those who are not used to them.
Occasionally Miss Abbott had to act as interpreter between the lovers, and the situation became uncouth and revolting in the extreme.
有时,阿博特小姐不得不充当对恋人之间的翻译, 情况变得极其和令人反感。
Beneath was traced a number of uncouth characters, shaped somewhat like wedges or daggers, as strange and outlandish as the Hebrew alphabet.
To many persons this Egdon was a place which had slipped out of its century generations ago, to intrude as an uncouth object into this.
Philip still remembered the laughter that had greeted his fruitless journey, and the uncouth push that had toppled him on to the bed.
菲利普仍然记得迎接他毫无结果的旅程时的笑声, 以及把他推倒在床上的推力。
For his manners were harsh and uncouth; he was totally without education and could write hardly half a dozen lines without outraging the spelling-book.
因为他的举止。 他完全没有受过教育, 几乎不能写六行而不激怒拼写书。