The commander bade his men be undaunted in the face of perils.
Undaunted, Jarman and Gerhardt have converted raw data culled from subatomic particle collisions at Cern in Switzerland, where they have been working as artists, into a melange of light, sound and curious tactile effects.
Jarman 和 Gerhardt 毫不畏惧, 将他们从瑞士 Cern 的亚原子粒子碰撞中剔除的原始数据(他们一直在那里作为艺术家工作) 转化为光、 声音和奇特触觉效果的混合物。
As early as July, 1775, Congress resolved to go into a committee of the whole on the state of the union, and Franklin, undaunted by the fate of his Albany plan of twenty years before, again presented a draft of a constitution.
早在 1775 年 7 月,国会就决成立一个全体委员会来讨论联邦状况, 而富兰克林对 20 年前奥尔巴尼计划的命运毫不畏惧,再次提出了宪法草案。