" We should burst into the middle of them and stop the dance, and that would be unmannerly."
She was as unmannerly as she had always been.
'Rude and unmannerly! ' she said to herself, colouring with pique.
“粗! ” 她对自己说, 气得脸都了。
'What does this unmannerly boy mean, ' asked Mr. Gradgrind, eyeing him in a sort of desperation, 'by Tight-Jeff'?
" I don't know about that! And I say you be unmannerly! You've got money that isn't your own. Half the guineas are poor Mr. Clym's."
This gentle exchange continues by the hour; but either of us would feel himself unmannerly if he should grasp an entire five minutes and make it uninterruptedly his.
这种温和交流按小时持续; 但是如果他抓住整整五分钟时间并且不间断地把它变成他自己, 我们中任何一个都会觉得自己很不。