And now, nearly every big city is upraising the upsurge to establishes digitlization city.
Still less can this have happened during the alternate periods of elevation; or, to speak more accurately, the beds which were then accumulated will generally have been destroyed by being upraised and brought within the limits of the coast-action.
在海拔交替的期更不可能发生这种情况。或者,更准确地说, 当
Many cases could be given of the lower beds of a formation having been upraised, denuded, submerged, and then re-covered by the upper beds of the same formation—facts, showing what wide, yet easily overlooked, intervals have occurred in its accumulation.
可以举出一个地层的下部地层被抬升、 剥蚀、淹没, 然后被同一地层的上部地层重新覆盖的许多案例— — 事实表明,在其积累过程中发生了多么宽阔但容易被忽视的间隔.