1.At last I winkled the truth out of him.
2.I swore I wasn't going to tell her, but she winkled it all out of me.
1." Your oarsman winkled you and threw your letter in the sea" .
" 你的桨手把你耍了,他将你的信扔进了海里。"
2." It took all my charm to winkle him out of his Book Tower" .
" 我施尽浑身解数才把他拉出藏书塔。"
3.Winkles must be boiled before we eat them.
4.The winkle has gills inside its body to breathe with, and a little stomach and a little heart.
体内, 有用来呼吸的鳃, 还有胃和心脏。
5.The winkle lays its little eggs upon the sea-weed that grows on the sea-shore.
在海岸边生长的海藻上, 下小小的卵。
6.The tongue of the winkle is very long and narrow, and is covered with very small teeth.
的舌头很窄很长, 上面布满了细小的牙齿。
7.The winkle is often called the " sea-snail, " because it lives in the sea, and looks like a snail.
也叫“海蜗牛”, 因为它生活在海里, 看上去又很像蜗牛。
8.Why does it have to be leslie winkle?
9.The winkle uses its tongue like a saw to cut off bits of the sea-weed on which it feeds.
吃海藻的时候, 就用这些像锯一样的牙齿, 把海藻一点一点切下来。
10." Winkle, winkle! Wink, wink, wink! Maa, maa-a" ! bleated Nanny.
11.Look, howard, if I were to ask leslie winkle out, it would just be for dinner.
Howard 如果我要约Leslie Winkle出去 也只是吃顿饭。
12.Why don't I pay a call on her? See if I can winkle out the truth.
要不我去会会她 看看能否探明真相。
13.An my hatred of leslie winkle?
14.No wonder Professor Sadun et al reckon that hiring processes need to get a lot better at winkling out social skills.
15.For the same reason, writers talk interminably about their own books, winkling out hidden meanings, super-imposing new ones, begging response from those around them.
16.Hmm, just because we happen not to have actually seen something with our own two little winkles, we think it is not existing.
17.The Creature stuck his great talon up his nose in a disgusting fashion and tried to winkle out the tickling flea that was irritating him.