Blooming flashily, withering away swiftly.
Afterwards Nausicaa, seemingly unbothered by what she had done, grieved for the lives of the Ohmu and cried over withering trees.
It is easily detected, that they are simple wild flowers, weed, even cannabis, if not memorial wreaths from Sachsen-Hausen or withering lilies.
And human relationships were already withering.
Luna gave her a withering look and flounced away.
Their food resources might be withering and they might not have as much food available to them.
She was twenty-eight. Soon she would be thirty, withering.
她已经28岁,很快就30 了,容颜渐渐老去。
" You suppose quite correctly, " I answered with what I thought withering sarcasm.
" 你猜得倒不错," 我用一种自以为尖刻嘲讽的口气答道。
" Viktors just gone to get some drinks." Ron gave her a withering look.
A blast of fire shot out of its end, withering the pumpkin plants nearby.
Djoser constructed many temples including one that stopped a deadly famine that was withering away his entire kingdom.
In the dock, Oscar Pistorius cried occasionally then his lawyer cross-examine detective Bolt. It was a withering offensive.
The press was merciless in its treatment of him when Abigail Adams responded with withering condescension towards Jefferson's followers.
Because wherever I look, I see nuances withering away.
因为无论我看哪里, 我都会看到细微差别逐渐消失。
With their crops withering and livestock suffering, the villagers were desperate for a solution.
It was absolute misery to come back into the withering coldness.
Then one day I realized that my heart was withering, and in it there was nothing but pain.
蓦然回首 岁月中不断流失着弹性的心灵已经无比的疼痛。
For three or four generations, society has united in withering with contempt and opprobrium the shameless futility of Mme.
三四代人的时间里, 社会团结起来, 以蔑视和耻辱的方式摧毁了夫人的无耻徒劳。
One was so ancient he appeared to be withering before their very eyes; the other was tall and strapping, with a thin back mustache.
The president gives him a withering look over the top of her reading glasses, and he clamps his mouth shut.
Diggory withdrew with an emphatic step, Wildeve's eye passing over his form in withering derision, as if he were no more than a heath-cropper.
Decades later, her sister is checking whether the level of rat poison on the kitchen shelf is going down, as her brother-in-law is withering away.
Of course. He will hear it as an attempt to mend fences, as opposed to the withering condemnation you and I will know it to be.
然 他听来 那是我示好 但实际上咱俩清楚那是赤裸裸的谴责。