阿莱西娅·卡拉的歌单 Alessia Cara Creates the Playlist to Her Life | Teen Vogue


Hey guys, it's Alessia Cara and this is the playlist of my life.

The first one that I chose was Viva La Vida by Coldplay.

This song is kind of the first song I've ever seen make anybody cry.

I caught my mom like dancing to this and crying.

I was like whoa mom, why are you crying?

And she's like I don't know, something about the song just makes me happy.

It makes me think of my family.

And that's when I kind of clip that music can make you cry, happy tears, sad tears and that music had an effect on you.

The actual title of the song is based on a Frida Kahlo painting.

I love Frida Kahlo, I love Coldplay, so kind of like tied everything together.
