

网球女将娜拉提洛娃 女性不可忽视的防癌常识

Her Toughest Opponent How Tennis Champ Martina Navratilova Battled and Beat Cancer This year, more than 1.3 million women worldwide will hear the words that have breast cancer-

four words that will change their lives forever. That single moment will become a turning point, the start of a tenacious I battle against a killer.

The day she heard those four words, Martina Navratilova cried. A woman who defected from Czechoslovakia at the age of 18,

bravely blazed the trail for homosexual acceptance, a woman who many considered the best tennis player who ever lived,

now braced for the fight of her life. Navratilova dominated the competition in the late '70s, '80s and early '90s.

She won the Wimbledon singles title a record nine times. With 59 grand slam tennis titles, she has more titles. than any other man or woman.

Well, I had a mammogram in January and they said I need to come back for a closer look. In February, I went back and they magnified it.

They said, well, there's a cluster. Probably do a biopsy just to be sure. First I went to Denver to get the biopsy on a Tuesday and they said,

Ah, it looks pretty good. Should be nothing. Wednesday, my doctor Mindy, who is a very good friend of mine, calls me and says,

Are you sitting down? And I'm like, Uh, why? She said, Well, it came back positive. Navratilova was struck with the most common type of non-invasive breast cancer.
