- [Joe] Thank you to DeleteMe for supporting PBS.
I wanna tell you a story about a lizard.
This lizard lives in the desert, so sadly, it has no idea what an angler fish is.
And the angler fish, it's probably never even heard of land, much less lizards.
And neither of these weird animals has any idea that a few chemicals swimming around in their bodies help some humans wearing funny coats invent one of the most important medicines of the 21st century.
But like most stories, this one isn't just about a fish or a lizard.
It's about something else too, about why we do science in the first place, about why people and governments come together to give money to scientists, and about what kind of questions scientists should ask about what kind of knowledge is most useful and how science can do the most good for the world.
(pensive music) Hey, smart people.
Joe here.
More than 40% of American adults today have obesity.