I remember I was humming to myself I was like, and then Jay Mike was like, yo, send me that, send me that voice recording and then I sent it to him.
And he started like playing chords and he like kind of altered the voice to sound like really warped.
And then all at once I just started like, I was like tears of gold.
Don't you know that I got tears of gold
And I wrote the, like I wrote the chorus all at once, and it really just clicked in that moment.
I remember this day so clearly, the day that I wrote the song I had been in sessions all Summer, every day.
And I remember just being like, nothing that I'm writing is like really clicking with me or connecting with me.
I was like, I need to just have like, one day off.
And then I went home, took the day off.
And the next day I walked into the studio with Jay Mike and I don't usually write from personal experience.