So, how do you say "Croissant" in French, with the typical French pronunciation?
Is it Crewssan, Crossant, Crassain, Croassan?
Well, essentially, if you are able to pronounce the French R like the French do, just say Croissant. Croissant.
The T at the end of Croissant is definitely silent, so do not ay CroissanT.
But rather Croissant.
CRO A SSAN. Croissant. Croissant.
It'd be fine if you cannot pronounce the French R to say Croissant.
Croissant. Croissant.
Here are more videos about how to pronounce French correctly, and learn more about French and the world of wine, and French pronunciation, luxury brands and much more.
I will see you soon in the wonderful world of French pronunciation.