看《切尔西制造》学习 6 个表示关系的英式短语 Learn British English with MADE IN CHELSEA 6 Relationship Phrases


Have you ever heard of the phrase "two's company, three's a crowd"?

You know, that unwanted third person that ruins it for two people that want to be alone together.

In this video, I have some brilliant phrases to talk about romantic relationships.

And we're gonna look at how three can be a crowd by watching popular British reality TV show Made in Chelsea.

This is going to be a huge serving of amazing English phrases with a big dollop of drama on top.

I'm excited. I hope you are too.

Let's get going.

Hello, it's your London boy, teacher Tom.

And I'm here to teach you fresh modern British English so that you can communicate with confidence and clarity.

I'd like to say a quick thank you to Skillshare for sponsoring this video.
