这 25 个英国地名你会念吗 25 UK Place Names You Are Saying WRONG! (Maybe)


If you're coming to the UK, you'll want to know how to pronounce the places that you visit.

So today, I'm going to teach you 25 of the most commonly mispronounced places in the country and I'll give you opportunities to practice saying them for yourself and at the end, I'll show you how to pronounce this Welsh Town.

What the *?

Here we go with number one, Bicester.

It's a town to the west of London that's become really popular for outlet shopping.

You can get some great bargains, guys.

Now, the pronunciation: /bɪstə/.

That CE is pronounced with a /s/ sound.

So, /bɪstə/.

And we're gonna see that pattern throughout this video.
