观看可爱猫咪的视频好处多多 The Surprising Benefits of Watching Cute Cat Videos


I see you. Watching YouTube when you're supposed to be working, huh?

Well, don't sweat it.

It turns out that taking a break to squeeze over some cuteness might actually benefit your work.

There's a lot we're still learning, but according to some research, looking at cute animals is associated with a boost in focus and fine motor skills.

So the next time you're sucked into one of those "cute puppy" stories on Snapchat, you might be doing yourself a favor.

First, though, let's back up and talk about what "cute" means, anyway.

You might have your own opinions, but based on what psychologists have seen in studies, people generally find things cute because of what's called baby schema.

That's your classic baby look.

Think a big head, large eyes, and chubby cheeks.

Baby schema was first described in the 1940s, and the animal behaviorist that proposed it believed humans are hard-wired to respond to these characteristics with caregiving behavior.
