为什么1月1日是新年的开始?Why Does January First Start the New Year? - New Year's Explained



Good morning, John!

Happy New Year!

It's a time for reflecting on the year that has passed, and hoping for a good one to come, but also, as I am incapable of not doing, asking why, WHY, is it this way?

Why January first?

And, if it's gonna be January first, why isn't January first on the solstice?

Well, I'll give you a hint.

This monumental modern institution of our calendar and the way that it works and begins has to do with three people who you have never heard of.

The Earth travels around the sun in a circle, and there is no beginning or end to a circle.

You wanna have a beginning of the year, I get that, and basically we have traditionally just picked one.

And different cultures have picked different dates for different reasons, and they turn out to be really interesting and complicated reasons.
