04 多巴胺以什么方式释放 Controlling Your Dopamine For Motivation, Focus & Satisfaction | Huberman Lab Podcast #39


Now, the other thing to understand about dopamine is that, the way that dopamine is released in the brain and body can differ.

Meaning it can be very local, or it can be more broad.

Now, most of you have probably heard of synapses.

Synapses are the little spaces between neurons, and basically neurons nerve cells communicate with one another by making each other electrically active, or by making each other less electrically active.

So here's how this works.

You can imagine one nerve cell and another nerve cell with a little gap between them, a little synapse.

And the way that one nerve cell causes the next nerve cell to fire.

What we call fire really means to become electrically active is that it vomits out these little packets, what we call vesicles.

They're little bubbles filled with a chemical, when that chemical enters the synapse, it some of it docks or parks on the other side, in the other neuron.

And by virtue of electrical changes in the, what we call the postsynaptic neuron, that chemical will make that neuron more electrically active or less electrically active.
