为什么美国内陆比加拿大内陆空旷许多 Why the US Interior is VASTLY Emptier than Canada's


When it comes to land, Montana is one of the biggest states in America.

It's the fourth largest state overall and it sits only behind the well-known big three American states of Alaska, Texas, and California.

Montana is even larger than Germany is in terms of area, but it's vastly smaller when it comes to the size of population because for all its huge amounts of space, Montana is a pretty desolate place.

As of 2023, the entire statewide population is only about 1,140, 000 people compared with Germany's 84. 5 million people.

To put in an even greater perspective, how empty that makes most of Montana, there are fewer people who live here than in the state of New Hampshire, a state that is about 16 times smaller than Montana is in terms of land and a state which is at a similar Northern latitude at the top of the continental 48 US states.

Montana's average population density statewide is thus only about 2. 9 people per square kilometer which is the third lowest density in America after only the notoriously empty states of Alaska and Wyoming.

And that makes Montana one of the most sparsely populated locations in the world.

If Montana were an independent country, it would be in the top four lowest densities in the world riding the company of countries like Namibia, Australia, and Mongolia.

Consequently, there aren't really any big cities or even towns to speak of in Montana.

Of the top five largest settlements in the state today, only Billings has a population in excess of 100, 000 people and even then it just barely does 117, 000 people as of 2023.
