入门小白如何才能买到优质咖啡? A Beginner's Guide To Buying Great Coffee


Welcome to today's video and the beginning of a series of sorts, "A Beginner's Guide to Coffee." And this video is the beginner's guide to coffee buying.

Now, I know you know how to buy coffee but what today's video is all about is helping you explore the world of coffee more easily, more enjoyably, with less mistakes. Here's the thing.

If you have found a coffee that you love be it a coffee roaster or a coffee brand, that's great. I don't want you to stop drinking that thing.

I'm not going to tell you what to drink today. But part of the joy of coffee is the diversity of flavour and whatever you're enjoying now, there's something, something out there that I think you could enjoy even more.

But what I don't need to do is experiment, gamble, buy something that kind of looks good and then hate it. That's the goal today, help you buy stuff that you're likely to really enjoy and avoid stuff that you're likely to really dislike.

We're gonna break this down into three sections. Part one is going to be the golden rules of buying coffee.

Part two will be where to buy coffee, and the pros and cons of each. And then part three will be about kind of decoding a bag of coffee, decoding the label on a bag of coffee.

What are they trying to tell you? And how do you match that and marry that up to what you want?

Before we begin, I should disclose a couple of very important ways in which I am biased. Firstly, I have a strong preference and I'm a big advocate for specialty coffee.

If you're watching this and you don't like specialty coffee, that's okay, this is still a useful video for you, but just know that I have a very strong preference towards it. Secondly, I also co-own a coffee company.
