Why We Should Paint Our Roads White


Let's go for a drive.

If you jump in a car, you're going to be emitting carbon which contributes to climate change.

That won't come as a surprise to anyone.

But there's one thing you might not realise has an even bigger impact on the environment.

Every year, the construction industry and the built environment pumps out a whopping 15.3BN tonnes of CO2. To put that in perspective, we're gonna have to go on a really long drive.

In fact, for you to emit as much carbon as that in your car, you'd have to drive to Pluto and backmore than 7,000 times.

So yeah, it's a big problem.

Here are five ways construction contributes to climate change, and what we can do about it.

One of the biggest ways this sector pumps out CO2 is through the holy trinity of construction materials: glass, steel and concrete.

Huge amounts of energy are needed to reach the heat needed to make all three.
