如何巧妙吸引Crush? How To Subtly Attract Your Crush



In his international best-selling book, The Art of Seduction, Robert Greene wrote, your greatest power and seduction is your ability to turn away to make others come after you, delaying their satisfaction.

Do you think playing hard to get works best, or do you prefer to be direct?

It can be difficult to figure out the best way to attract your crush.

By the end of this video, you'll learn tips backed by scientific research that will teach you how to step up your game and keep them interested.

Here's how to attract your crush and leave them wanting more.

To smile or not to smile.

When you're flirting with your crush, you should smile to come across as approachable and show them that you're interested.

Or should you?

Research shows that it might not be that simple.

Smiling can be perceived as either attractive or unattractive, and this depends on your gender.
