怎样做才能更有创造力 What Do You Do to Feel More Creative_


We live in a world that prizes creativity and innovation, but doesn't set up any practice for it.

When I'm working on a project, I really need to strip away all the noise.

Sometimes that means getting away from the city, sometimes that means barricading myself in my apartment.

I like to get out of the everyday, which is an obvious answer in some ways.

So, for instance, the first time I went to India several years ago, everywhere I looked there was a design problem.

I mean, I'd never thought about, you know, very poor people having lots of design problems, but I saw them everywhere, and that was really the inspiration.

I don't actually ever think about feeling creative, and I think that there's a lot of nonsense these days about creativity, innovation, this, that, or other things.

You do what you do!

I need to spend time by myself, walking, really moving in nature, or if not in nature, just moving through my house without other people around, even without my dog.

Anything that will take me out of the desire or goal of trying to be creative is what I'll do.
