A Decade of Game of Thrones | Peter Dinklage on Tyrion Lannister (HBO)


Tyrion has become so close to who I am.

Where do I begin, my lords and ladies?

I look up to him.

Not when he kills somebody, but...

PETER DINKLAGE: I think it happened early on, with those scenes with Michelle Fairley outside, when we were on the road, and had all these horses, and just I got this warm, fuzzy feeling of being involved in something great.

Something I am gonna be really proud of.

When I signed up for the show, the books had been written at that point, so I knew going in, this beautiful character arc that Tyrion had.

From this mess, for lack of a better word, at the beginning, to finding his footing politically, and up until the death of his father.


It was such a great meal to jump into as an actor.
