为什么眉毛比眼球更重要?Why Eyebrows Are More Important Than Eyeballs


If you had to choose between your eyeballs or your eyebrows, which would you keep?

My guess is most people are saying they would keep their eyeballs, obviously.

Eyebrows are just this weird forehead mustache that we all have.

But what if I told you that eyebrows are way more important than you might think?

Take a look at these photos of celebrities with their eyes removed and try to name who they are as quickly as possible.

Here are the answers for those still wondering or unsure.

Now do the same thing with these photos of celebrities missing their eyebrows.

Besides all these pictures being absolutely weird and hilarious and uncanny, studies have shown that people have a significantly harder time on average recognizing faces without eyebrows compared to those that are missing eyeballs.

Okay, I immediately feel insane.

I will keep this on for a very brief moment because I know how unsettling it is, not only for you but for me, and I'm not gonna not be able to stare at myself in the camera.
