音乐在四万年里的演变和发展 40,000 years of music explained in 8 minutes | Michael Spitzer



If you were born in Beethoven's time, you'd be lucky if you heard a symphony twice in your lifetime, whereas today, it's as accessible as running water.

We're drowning in music.

We in the West have tended to have a misconception that history of music is a history of works or composers.

This tends to reduce music into an object, into an exhibit in an imaginary museum.

It also overvalues the role of the composer compared to most people who are innately musical.

And I wanted to get away from the usual thing of 'Which composer wrote what piece at what time,' to see the bigger picture.

We're in the kind of moment of the global, of the universaland music is absolutely universal.

I'm Michael Spitzer.

I'm Professor of Music at the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom.

I've written a book called "The Musical Human: A History of Life on Earth."
