历史上无畏的女人和她们的摩托车 Fearless Women and Their Motorcycles Throughout History


I think the history of women and motorcycling is really interesting because women have always been doing it.

When I started the Miss Fires, I'd been riding for a really long time, but I never saw women.

The minute that we put the call out there were 10 girls and then, the next week, there were 20 and you know, six months later, there's 150, and now, there's, you know, over 250 across the United States.

We always joke that it was a thing that we didn't know that we needed until we had it and then, we couldn't imagine life without it.

I do have my own shop in New York City, which, does custom motorcycle seats and upholstery, but I'm currently run away with the circus with the Wall of Death.

The Wall of Death is, it's wild.

They're riding motorcycles sideways on a vertical wall.

Samantha Morgan who must be one of the most famous 20th-century wall riders, I work at the wall that she did ride at.

There are very few industries where you have men being inspired and following in the footsteps of the woman, not doing it for a woman, but because some lady blew their minds.

The Wall of Death is living history.
