珍珠为什么这么贵 Why Pearls Are So Expensive | So Expensive


珍珠有许多不同的颜色和大小,这些变量决定了它们的具体价值。有史以来最昂贵的珍珠是玛丽·安托瓦内特的吊坠。在2018年的苏富比拍卖会上,它以3200万美元的价格成交。珍珠元素在名人圈也备受追捧,蕾哈娜、乌玛·瑟曼和Cardi B等名人在去年的Met Gala上都佩戴了珍珠。

Pearls have been a symbol of elegance and class for centuries.

The Maharajas of India and European queens adorned themselves with pearls, a symbol of their prestige.

At the 2019 Grammys, Cardi B was basically dressed like an oyster.

The most expensive pearl ever sold was Marie Antoinette's pendant.

It sold for $32 million in a 2018 auction.

But what is it that makes pearls so expensive?

Marie Antoinette's pearl was part of a diamond-studded pendant, and it has important historical significance, which increased its value.

But there are several other factors that determine the value of a pearl.

Assessing the value of a pearl is probably the most complex gem to assess.

That's Tom Moses.
