关于 π 的歌曲 2.0 The Pi Song 2.0


And now a ASAP Science presents 200 digits of π.

To start, let's review the first 100.

3.14159, this is π, followed by 26535 89 circumference over diameter 7 9 then 323, OMG , Can't you see 846 2643, and now we're on a spree!

38 and 32, now we're blue Oh who knew 7950, and then a 2 88 and 41, so much fun, now a run 97169399 then 3751 Halfway done 058, now don't be late 209, where's the wine 74, it's on the floor then 94 459 230, we got to go 78, we can't wait 16406 28, we're almost near the end, keep going 62, we're getting through 089, nine in time 862 8034, there's only a few more 8 2 then 5 3 42 11 70 and 67 We're done Was that fun?

Learning random digit so that you can break to your friendsAre you ready for more?

Well, here's another 100 digits.

98214, so many more 80865, let's all high five 13282, look at you 306, bag of tricks 6470, if you go slow 9384, then you will score 46095, now let's dive 505 into more π 8 blue flying bats over 2 gold cats 23, shoes 172, screws 5 well-dressed small dogs working 35-hour jobs Oh this song is so absurd just rhyming pure random words 94081, can you taste your tongue?

28481, it just can't be done 117450, now close that door Get those numbers in your brain and keep them forever more 28 4102 70, let's make a stew 193 85 21 10 555 9, now all final run 644 622 948, look at you 954 930 3819 and Woah!

The π song 2.0Thank you so much for watching.

If you like this kind of Science music video style make sure to check out our last one which was on the end of the universe literally a song about the most likely ways our universe is going to end.
