完美主义并不像你想的那么好 Why Perfectionism Isn't as Good as You Think


If you've ever prepared for a job interview or have heard anything about them there's a good chance you've come across this famously tough question: What's your biggest weakness?

Come on, really? !

Generally, interviewers ask it because they want to see if you have some self-awareness.

But hey, you're at a job interviewyou're supposed to be selling yourself!

To get around the question, a lot of people choose to say that their biggest weakness is being a perfectionist, something that I have never claimed.

But depending on the person you're talking to, you might actually be sending a different message than you think you are.

People often think of perfectionism as a good thing, and consider it this strong desire to do something well.

But when psychologists talk about it, they're referring to a risk factor for clinical disorders.

For them, there are healthy and unhealthy levels of wanting to succeed.

And the distinction is really important for someone's mental health.
