Westworld S2E06 Explained


In Westworld Season 2 Episode 6, Maeve stands surrounded by corpses.

These are the hosts who charged her last episodeshe's apparently killed them, with her voice power, and her swords.

Did she really have to do this?

Her voice can control hosts.

Why not just "Freeze" them, like Maeve did to Bernard last season ?

Or wake them to consciousness, like Maeve offered to Akane ?

Maeve told Bernard she won't hurt him because that's what humans do to hosts .

But here she is, slaughtering dozens of helpless hosts, which arguably makes her no better than the humans she's rebelling against.

Akane mourns the death of Sakura, and Maeve remembers her own beloved daughterit's a comment on the sameness of human stories and feelings across cultures, and a reflection on the preciousness of host life.

And then Maeve kills more soldiers, cause fuck those guys.
