你后悔在大学里没学什么? What Do You Wish You Had Learned in College_


I wish I'd learned to look at this moment and not five months ahead all the time.

You know, I was very afraid when I graduated from Harvard in 1986 that I was not on the path that would lead me to a certain outcome.

The thing that I would have wished I'd learned in college is how to attack big problems, not just how to learn the skillset, how to be good with mathematics skills or programming skills, how to think about how to help society.

I'm now realizing the incredible benefits of a nonlinear path.

I was a history major at Bryn Mawr College and all of my work was in US and European history.

College did not prepare me to think big and take big cameras and big risks.

So, I wish I had had a more global education; I wish I'd learned more languages.

I should have taken courses in statistical reasoning.

I found out very shortly thereafter when I went to do graduate work and indeed then when I went into academic administration.

If I could read numbers better, that would be good.
