这家瑞士餐馆建在山的一侧 This Swiss Restaurant Is Built Into the Side of a Mountain


To get my car here is not possible.

Do you really have to hike?

This restaurant has been perched in a Swiss Alps for 173 years.

And the track has always attracted hungry hikers, but it's steep nearly 5000 feet up.

Hello and welcome to the Aescher.

I'm Melanie Camilla, and I'm the manager of the restaurant.

Our food is very traditional, we got like the six cheese, salad or nuts croissant.

But before you make any orders, here's how to get there.

First, get to the canton of Appenzell in a Rawdon and head to Vassar Owen.

Then, cable car it, you'll go up a distance of over 2,000 feet to the Evernote Mountain.
