国庆到,有机会赏烟花啦!一场大型的烟花秀有哪些幕后故事呢?Jim Souza及其家族经营着全球最大的烟花公司之一,致力于通过精确的技术和创意提升观众的体验。Souza家族在烟花行业已有百年历史,他们认为烟花是无与伦比的艺术形式。一起看看他们是如何为大型烟花秀进行准备和筹划工作的吧。
In three, two, one, fire.
There's a lot going on behind the scenes that the audience doesn't know about.
Our job is to make it look easy.
Jim Souza and his son are out here in the California desert to train for their biggest day of the year.
Right now, we're getting ready to stage 400 shows on the 4th of July.
Their family runs one of the largest fireworks companies in the world, Pyro Spectaculars by Souza.
The sky is the canvas and fireworks is our paint.
All this setup is part of a highly technical, year-long process that's engineered for a very specific purpose.
What we're really trying to do is always improve the wow factor.
What can we do to get the oohs and the ahs from the audience?