Money will be crucial to the accomplishment of our objectives.
Money will be crucial to the accomplishment of our objectives.
The process of disarmament is at a crucial turning point.
The success of this experiment is crucial to the project as a whole.
Needs assessment is crucial if the hospital is to deliver effective health care.
The audience craned forward as their conjuror came to the crucial part of his trick.
当魔术师的魔术变到关键时刻, 观众们都向前伸着脖子看。
The experiment was not helped forward by White's opening a door at the crucial moment.
由于怀特在关键时刻打开了门, 使得该实验无法进行下去。
It's a crucial decision.
Semantic encoding was one of the conditions to priming for new associations, but unitization played a crucial role at the same time.
While underbalance drilling spreads greatly, rotating blowout preventer, as a kind of high technical product, is the crucial equipment to control well pressure.
It advocates get the dope is in the frist place.And inside they run a very cruel competitory mechanism.What is crucial is how much resource you can access.
These case studies show that s mall subject vocabularies are useful for these community-oriented services, and that maintenance is a crucial issue for the development and use of the vocabular ies.
从这两个案例可以 看出小型的主题词表对专业服务是非常有用的,并且维护工作对词表的建立和应用是至关紧要的。