5.1859 Charles Blondin made the earliest crossing of the Niagara Falls on a tightrope.
6.Cosseted and pampered from earliest childhood, he believed the world had been invented for his entertainment.
7.The earliest originator was Dr. Giterman who worked at the British Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled.
8.Conclusion:Omental sac pneumatosis is an earliest X-ray manifestation of acute perforation of gastroentestine.
9.1895 The earliest demonstration of a celluloid cinematograph film was given at Paris by Auguste and Louis Lumiere.
10.Known as the wire number is because the earliest business card printing and membership card making products mesh point there is wirelike.
11.Non-cognitivism is an important theory of Meta-Ethics, Ayer’s Emotivism is the most innovational and typical and earliest idea of Non-cognitivism in 20th.
12.From the earliest region-position code, and then graphemic code to the very fashionable pinyin input method, it becomes wider, faster, intelligent and humanization.
13.Darwin expected species to change slowly, but not at the same rate – some organisms such as Lingula were unchanged since the earliest fossils.
14.The earliest reliable historical records of the Jews date from around 1200 BC in unfortified villages in hill country far from Canaanite coastal cities.
15.The earliest muzzle-loading rifles were more difficult to load than smoothbore muskets, but the invention of metallic cartridges made possible the development of breech-loading mechanisms.
16.To the question why we do not find rich fossiliferous deposits belonging to these assumed earliest periods prior to the Cambrian system, I can give no satisfactory answer.