Results There are skin, subcutaneous tissue, superficial temporal fascia, deep temporal fascia, temporal muscle and periosteoma from superficiality to depth.
Results There are skin, subcutaneous tissue, superficial temporal fascia, deep temporal fascia, temporal muscle and periosteoma from superficiality to depth.
Both problems can be solved by escharotomy of the burned skin down to the deep fascia .
Methods On the basis of regular rhytidectomy,a inter-eyebrow periosteous flap is applied to cover the fascia flap of corrugator by means of turnover.
Methods 18 cases of calcanodynia were received comprehensive surgical therapy,including resection of bone spur,lysis of plantar fascia and decompression by drilling in calcaneus.
The authors explain that in a standard blow-hole colostomy, the omentum and seromuscular layers of the colon are sutured to the peritoneum and the rectus fascia.
In 2004, the 2005 minivan lineup had changes to the Caravan, including a revised grille, new foglight fascia, new back seats, and other minor interior touches.
It was believed that proper fixation of the biomaterial could only be insured by its placement in direct contact with the fascia of the transversalis muscle.
It is found the suprasternal space should be enclosed by the superficial layer of the deep cervical fasciae and the fasciae of the infrahyoid muscles, rather than the past opinion of the textbook.