Yield and N uptake response by non-nodulated soybean to increased P availability is marginal.
Yield and N uptake response by non-nodulated soybean to increased P availability is marginal.
Objective To discuss the treatment of traumatic stum p pain by preventing formation of neuroma.
On p. 110… he reproaches Arminian theology because it does not see human nature itself as revelational.
The quality of green oxane can be up-graded by addition of acid followed by distillation or by p...
Results The difference between flying cadets and aircraftman in N score was statistically significant, but not in P,E,L score.
The colorimetry of sulfuric acid and p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde used to determinate the fusel oil of alcoholic liquor,but it occurs deviation.
The idea is basically a steam punk robot named P-N01 on emergency repair by a cute techy girl named Lucy.
Results show that P availability in latosol derived from shallow-sea deposit is higher than that in latosol derived from basalt.
Furthermore, the impact of the P protein on ongoing translation of the C ORF was directly demonstrated by polysome distribution analysis.
而且,通过多核糖体分布分析可以直接表明P蛋白对C ORF翻译的影响。
F ig.1 D ot b lotting p icture of p53 and bcl-2 of retina l tis-sue of 20-w eek d iabetic rat.
图1第20周糖尿病大鼠视网膜组织p53和bcl-2 dotb lotting像。实验组为阳性反应而对照组为阴性反应。
The distribution as well as the content of the particles in N-P electroless codeposits is determined by means of conventional stereome-tric metallograph.
It is the supp liers respon sib ility to en su re that the w arehou se receives the p roduct undam aged.
供应商有义务保证入库的产品没有损坏。) 这段文字也不太长 表现在笔记上可以
: all= sam no≈ no× ifw ri。
The sythesis of Monuron herbicide by oxidative-reductive carbonylation of dimethyamine and p-ClC6H4NO2 using selenium as catalyst and organic base as cocatalyst was studied.
N butyl 2 ethoxy thioacridone was prepared from o chloro benzoic acid and p phenetidine by means of Ullman reaction,cyclization,N alkylation and sulfurization.
Two different kinds of palladium complexes of nitrogen containing polymere havebeen prepared and their catalytic actions for p -nitro -methyl benzfene have been invertigeted.
The relevant hormone determining results show: Prolactin (PRL), estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) content in serum have regularly changed during reproductive and nonreproductive phase.
A new tetrakis( p glycylglycinephenyl)porphin and its rare earth (Yb,Sm) complexes were synthesized.They have been characterized by elemental analysis,UV vis,IR, 1HNMR and laser Raman spectra.
Phosphorous Pentoxide(P 2 O 5 ) ?P 2 O 5 is a kind of light white minicrystal powder which is made by burning phosphorus with excess oxygen.
五氧化二磷( P 2 O 5 ) ·五氧化二磷在过量氧气存在下燃烧元素磷得到的白色、微晶体轻质粉末。
Methods The expression of FHIT and PCNA protein in 10 normal endometria, 16 endometrial atypical hyperplasia and 44 endometrial carcinoma tissues was observed by immunohistochemical S-P method.
Definition : A strophoid of a circle with the pole O at the centre of the circle and the fixed point P on the circumference of the circle.