Ingredients:olive extract, whitening factor,fatty alcohol polyoxyethyleneether sulfate, xanthane, polyethylene scratching particles, jojoba scratching particles.
Ingredients:olive extract, whitening factor,fatty alcohol polyoxyethyleneether sulfate, xanthane, polyethylene scratching particles, jojoba scratching particles.
A two-step process for preparing silane-crosslinked polyethylene (PE) insulant for power cable was developed in this paper.
The result of experiment shows that polyethylene cerate and bentonite pregel play important roles for flash primer.
In the presence of ethanonitrile and polyethylene glycol, anthrone reacts with ammonium ceric nitrate to form 1 nitroanthraquinone.
在乙腈、相转移催化剂聚乙二醇存在下 ,蒽酮与硝铈铵反应生成 1 -硝基蒽醌。
The determination method of ethylene chlorohydrin content by u sing FID chromatograph polyethylene glycol 20M chromatographic column was introd uced.
The main materials we used are including silicone rubber, fluorubber, natural rubber, neoprene rubber, EPDM, butyl rubber, polyurethane, polyethylene, EVA, ABS, PP, and PVC.
In the presence of acetic acid and polyethylene glycol, chromic anhydride and acenaphthene react under mild condition and acenaphthene can completely convert into acenaphthenone.
在醋、聚乙二醇存在下 ,铬酐和苊在温和的条件下反应 ,苊可以完全转化为苊酮。
The study is the synthesis of BFO in the medium of PEG or its derivatives - polyethylene glycol alkyl ether and polyethylene glycol alkylphenyl ether.