| 划词

His extravagance explains why he is always in debt.

他挥霍无度, 难怪债。


He's always railing against his wife about her extravagance.



We must combat extravagance and waste.



Mr. Pearson’s income allows of no extravagance in his way of living.




fluorescent dye, fluorescent lamp, fluorescentsubstance, fluorescer, fluorescigenic, fluorescin, fluorescite, fluorescope, fluorescopy, fluorescyte, fluorexone, fluorgypsum, fluoric, fluorid, fluoridate, fluoridation, fluoridationist, fluoride, fluoridization, fluoridize, fluoridizer, fluorimeter, fluorimetric, fluorimetry, fluorin, fluorinate, fluorinated, fluorination, fluorinator, fluorine, fluorinetherapy, fluorinion, fluoriodate, fluorion, fluorite, fluorite-granite, fluorite-lens, fluorite-prism, fluorizate, fluorizated, fluorization, fluormica, fluoro, fluoroacetamide, fluoroacetate, fluoro-acid, fluoroalkane, fluoroalkylpolysiloxane, fluoroaniline, fluorobenzaldehyde, fluorobenzamide, fluorobenzene, fluoroborate, fluorobromobenzene, fluorobutane, fluorocarbon, fluorocarbonzl, fluorocarpamine, fluorochemical, fluorochemicals, fluorochlorobenzene, fluorochloromethane, fluorochloroparaffins, fluorochrome, fluorochromine, fluorocortisone, fluorocummingtonite, fluorocurarine, fluorocurine, fluorocurinine, fluorocyte, fluorod, fluorodensitometry, fluorodichloromethane, fluorodinitrobenzene, fluoroelastomer, fluoroesin, fluoroethane, fluoro-ether, fluoroethyl, fluoroethylene, fluorofibre, fluoroform, fluorogen, fluorogesarol, fluorogram, fluorograph, fluorography, fluorohafnate, fluorohydrocarbon, fluoroimmunoassay, fluorol, fluoroleum, fluorolube, fluorolubricant, fluorometer, fluoromethane, fluoromethylation, fluorometric, fluorometry, fluoronaphthalene, fluorone, fluoronitrobenzene, Fluoropak, fluoropentachloroethane, fluorophenol, fluorophenylalanine, fluorophlogopite, fluorophor, fluorophore, fluorophosphate, fluorophotometer, fluorophotometric, fluorophotometrictitration, fluorophotometry, fluoroplastic, fluoroplastics, fluoroplutonate, fluoropolymer, fluoroprene, fluoroprint, fluoro-propane, fluoroprotactinate, fluororesin, fluororoentgenography, fluororubber, fluoro-rubber, fluorosclerosis, fluoroscope, fluoroscopic, fluoroscopist, fluoroscopy, fluorosensor, fluorosilicate, fluorosilicone, fluorosis, fluorospectrophotometer, fluorospectrophotometry, fluorothene, fluorotoluene, fluorotrichloromethane, fluorotyrosine, fluorouracil, fluorouranate, fluorous, fluorozirconate, Fluorparacide, fluorplastic, fluorrheumin, fluorspar, fluorubber, fluorubin, fluoscandate, fluosilicate, fluosolids, fluostannate, fluostigmine, fluotantalate, Fluotex, fluothane, fluotitanate, fluoxymesterone, fluozirconate, fluperolone, fluphenazine, fluphenazne, fluram, flurazepam, flurecol, flurencol, flurenol, fluridizer, flurosion, fluroxene, flurr, flurried, flurries, flurry, flusch, flush, flush toilet, flushable, flushbonding, flushed, flusher, flushing, flushness, flushometer, flush-switch, flush-type, fluspirilene, flussyttrocerite, fluster, flusteration, flustered, flustration, flute, fluted, fluted-wheel, flutelike, fluter, flutes, flutey, fluting, flutist, flutter, flutter kick, flutterboard, flutter-fibrillation, fluttering, fluttertonguing, fluttery, fluty, fluvarium, fluvent, fluvial, fluvialist, fluviatic, fluviatile, fluviation, fluvio-, fluvioglacial, fluviograph, fluviolacustrine, fluviology, fluviomarine, fluviometer, fluviomorophology, fluvioterrestrial, fluviraption, fluvisol, fluvomycin, flux, flux density, flux meter, flux-depression, fluxer, fluxes, fluxgate, fluxgraph, flux-grown, fluxibility, fluxible, fluxing, fluxion, fluxional, fluxionary, fluxionist, fluxline, fluxmeter, fluxograph, fluxoid, fluxon, fluxoturbidite, fluxplate, flux-second, Fluxus, fluxweed, fluyt, fly, fly by, fly front, fly in the face of, fly off the handle, fly sheet, fly the coop, flyability, flyable, flyash, flyaway, flyback, fly-back, flyball, flybar, fly-bar, flybelt, flyblister, fly-blister, flyblow, flyblown, fly-blown, flyboat, flybomb, fly-borne, flyboy, flyboys, flybridge, flybrow, flybrush, flyby, fly-by, fly-by-night, fly-by-wire, flycaster, flycatcher, FlyCRM, fly-cruise, flycut, fly-cut, flycutter, fly-cutter, flycutting, fly-drive, flyer, FLYERS, fly-fish, fly-fisher, fly-fishing, flyflap, flygate, flying, flying boat, flying bridge, flying buttress, flying colors, flying colours, Flying Dutchman, flying fish, flying fox, flying saucer, flying squad, flying squirrel, flying start, FlyingDutchman, flying-off, flying-rafter, flying-shore, flying-spot, flyleaf, flyman, flyness, Flynn, flynut, flyover, flypaper, fly-paper, flypast, fly-past, flype, flypost, fly-post, flypress, flyright, flyrock, flysch, flysheet, fly-shunting, flyspeck, flyspring, flystrike, flyswatter, flytable, flyte, flytier, flytime, fly-tip, flytrap, fly-trap, flyunder, flyway, flyweight, flywheel, FM, FMA, FMB, FMBT, FMC, FMCG, FMCS, FMD, FME, FMEA, FMECA, FMF, FMFB, FMI, FMIC, FMIS, FML, FMN, FMO, FMP, FMR, FMRI, FMS, FMVSS, FN, FNMA, FNR, FNS, f-number, fo, fo&4&hn, FOA, foaf, foal, foalhood, foalskins, foaly, foam, foam at the mouth, foam rubber, foamability, foamback, foam-back, foamer, foamet, foamex, foamflower, foamglass, foamicide, foamily, foaminess, foaming, foamingsubstance, foam-in-place, foamite, foamlayer, foamless, foamlike, foamover, Foamseal, foamsil, foamslag, foam-tester, foamy, fob, fobbing, FOBS, FOBT, FOBW, foBwatch, FOC, focaccia, focal, focal distance, focal infection, focal length, focal point, focalchord, focalise, focalisolation, focalization, focalize, focalizer, Foch, foci, focile, focimeter, Focke, foco, foco-collimator, focoid, focometer, focometry, focon, fo'c'sle, fo'c's'le, focus, focus on, focused, focuser, focuses, focus-in, focusing, focus-out, FODAC, fodder, fodderless, fodens, fodgel, foe, foedus, foehn, foehntrough, foeman, foeniculin, foetal, foetalization, foetalplacenta, foetation, foeticide, foetid, foetor, foetus, foetuses, FOF, fofarraw, fog, fog signal,


3G, 401(K), a,



This tournament is an extravagance we cannot afford.



Any version of it is fundamentally an extravagance.



He puts up with my extravagance and my nonsense.


是,大臣(Yes, Minister)第二

What I'm asking is, what conceivable reason there can be for such appalling extravagance?



His main extravagance is a sharp Italian suit.



But since the 1980s the extravagance of nuptials has matched the country's rise.



Some worries about global warming are prompted by the extravagance of some climate policies.



Sadly, the pleasure that comes from extravagances often disappears long before the bills do.



Step 7 Splurge on one or two extravagances. Woman cannot live on cheap cosmetics alone!


是,大臣(Yes, Minister)第

We are going to talk about cuts in government extravagance, that sort of thing, Bob, aren't we?


时代周刊 (Time)

Women whose double shifts as nurses or police officers render magazines in the supermarket checkout line an extravagance.


是,大臣(Yes, Minister)第三

That would be foolishness. - Look, Humphrey, we've got to stop this appalling waste and extravagance that's going on.

那就太傻了。 -汉弗莱,们必须阻止现在可怕的浪费和张情况。


These measures have successfully curtailed extravagance and wastefulness, with some areas reporting wedding costs dropping by over 90%.

这些措施成功地减少了张浪费,些地区报告婚礼费用下降了 90%以上。


From the moment that railways were introduced, life took on extravagance.



He laughed at everything she did, encouraged her extravagances and insolences, jeered at her pretenses — and paid the bills.



Miss Prism. More shameful debts and extravagance?



" The extravagance in dress—" Miss Jackson began.



Why such reckless extravagance in one so young?


权力的游戏 第4

Proportionate to what? - The expected extravagance.

合适什么 -万众期待的奢华。


The reaction came when he realized the waste and extravagance involved.

当他意识到所涉及的浪费和奢侈时, 反应就来了。



four-moulter, fournisseur, four-o'clock, four-part, fourpence, fourpenny, fourplex, fourply, four-point, four-poster, fourpounder, four-pounder, fourragere, four-range, fourre, fours, fourscore, four-seater, foursome, foursquare, four-stage, four-star, four-start, four-stroke, four-tape, fourteen, fourteener, fourteenth, four-tensor, fourth, fourth dimension, Fourth Estate, Fourth of July, fourth ventricle, fourth-class, fourthly, fourth-rate, four-throw, four-vector, four-velocity, four-way, four-wheel, four-wheeler, fourwire, FOV, fovantini, fovea, fovea centralis, foveal vision, foveate, foveola, foveolar, foveolate, foveole, fovilla, fowan, fowl, fowl cholera, fowl-brood, fowler, fowlerite, fowlery, fowling, fowlpox, fowl-run, fox, fox terrier, foxalin, foxbane, Foxbase, foxbat, foxberry, foxbrush, fox-brush, FoxCard, Foxconn, fox-earth, foxed, foxer, foxery, foxes, foxfire, foxglove, foxhole, fox-hole, foxhound, fox-hound, foxhunt, fox-hunt, foxhunter, fox-hunting, Foxia, foxiness, foxing, Foxlene, FoxMail, foxnut, FoxPro, foxtail, foxtail millet, fox-terrier, foxtrel, foxtrot, fox-trot, foxy, foy, foyaite, foyer, foziness, fozy, FP, FPA, FPC, FPCB, FPD, FPE, FPG, FPGA, fph, FPI, FPIA, FPL, FPLA, FPM, FPMH, FPO, FPP, FPR, FPRI, fprintf, fps, FPSO, FPSS, FPSU, FPT, FPU, FPV, FPW, FPY, FQDN, fr, FRA, FRAC, fracas, frac-monitor, frac-string, fractal, fractality, fractals, fractate, fracted, fractile, fraction, fractional, fractional currency, fractional distillation, fractionalarithmetic, fractionalism, fractionalize, fractionally, fractional-octave, fractionalsampling, fractional-slot, fractionary, fractionate, fractionating, fractionation, fractionator, fractionize, fractionlet, fractious, fractoconformity, fractocumulus, fractograph, fractographic, fractography, fractometer, fracton, fractorite, fractory, fracturation, fracture, fracture-arrest, fractured, fracture-separation, fracturing, fractus, FRAD, fradicin, fradiomycin, frae, fraenum, frag, Fragaria, fragaro, fragging, fragiform, fragile, fragileness, fragility, fragilocyte, fragilocytosis, fragin, fragipan, fragment, fragmental, fragmentary, fragmentate, fragmentation, fragmented, fragmentimurate, fragmenting, fragmentize, fragmentized, fragmentography, fragmin, fragrance, fragrancy, fragrant, fragrantsubstance, fragrant-wood, fraidronite, frail, frailejon, frailish, frailly, frailness, frailty, fraiponite, fraise, fraising, fraktur, FRAM, framable, framberry, frambesia, frambesin, frambesioma, frambinone, framboesia, framboid, framboise, frambold, frame, frame buffer, frame of mind, frame of reference, frame work, framed, frame-grab, frameman, framer, framers, frames, frame-saw, frameset, frameshift, framesite, framesticks, framestone, frame-transfer, frame-up, framework, framing, framycetin, framycin, Fran, franc, France, Frances, Francesca, Francesco Guerrera, franchise, franchise tax, franchisee, franchiser, franchising, franchisor, francicize, Francine, Francis, Francis Bacon, Francis Ford Coppola, francis turbine, Franciscan, francisceine, Francisco, Francisella, francium, Franck, franckeite, franco, Franco-, Francois, Francois Truffaut, francolin, francolite, Franconian, Francophil, Francophile, Francophobe, Francophobia, Francophone, Francophonic, franc-tireur, frandy, franganine, frangibility, frangible, frangipane, frangipani, franglais, franglification, frangufoline, frangulanine, frangule, frangulin, franguloside, frank, Frank Capra, Frank Sinatra, Franken, Frankenfood, Frankenstein, frankenthal, frankfort, frankforter, frankfurt, frankfurter, frankhearted, Frankia, Frankiaceae, Frankie, frankincense, franking, franking machine, Frankish, franklandite, franklin, Franklin Roosevelt, Franklinia, Franklinian, franklinic, franklinism, franklinite, franklinization, frankly, frankness, frankpledge, Franks, Franky, franquanite, Franquista, franseria, frantic, frantically, Franz, frap, frappe, frappé, frapping, Fraps, FRAS, Frascati, Fraser, fraserin, frass, frat, fratch, fratcher, fratching, fratchy, frate, frater, fraternal, fraternise, fraternity, fraternity house, fraternization, fraternize, Fratol, fratpack, fratricidal, fratricide, fratry, fratting, Frau, fraud, frauditor, fraudulence, fraudulency, fraudulent, fraueneis, fraught, Frauhofer, Fraulein, fraunhofer, fraxetin, fraxin, fraxinella, fraxinellone, fraxinine, fraxinol, fraxinus mandshurica, fray, frayed, fraying, fraze, frazil, frazzle, frazzled, FRB, FRC, FRCM, FRCMC, FRCO, FRCP, FRCS, FRD, frdic.com, fre, freak, freak out, freaked, freaker, freaking, freakish, freak-out, Freaks, freaky, freboldite, freckle, freckled, freckles, freckling, freckly, Fred, Fred Astaire, Freda, Freddie, Freddie Mac, Freddy, Frederic, Frederica, Frederick, Frederick Barbarossa, Frederick the Great, Fredericton, fredricite, free, free agent, free and easy, free association, free balloon, free electron, free enterprise, free fall, free form, free from, free hand, free house, free kick, free lance, free list, free love, free market, free of, free of charge, free pardon, free port, free press, free radical, free rein, free state, free throw, free throw lane, free time, free trade, free verse, free will, free world, free zone, freeacid, freebase, free-base, freebee, freebie, free-blown, freeboard, freeboard deck, freeboot, freebooter, freebooting, freebooty, freeborn, FreeBSD, freeby, freecoinage, freed, freedman, freedom, freedom fighter, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of the seas, freedom-fighter, freedoms, free-draining, freedrop, freedwoman, freeedge, free-end, free-fall, free-faller, free-falling, free-fed, freefield, free-floating, freeflooding, free-flowing, freefone, free-for-all, freeform, free-form, freehand, freehanded, free-handed, free-handle, free-haul, freehearted, free-hearted, freeheartedly, freeheartedness, freehold, freeholder, freeing, free-knot, freelance, free-lance, freelancer, free-lancer, free-liver, free-living, freeload, free-load, freeloader, freeloading, freely, freely-supported, free-machining, freeman, freemartin, freemason, freemasonic, freemasonry, freeminded, freeness, freenet, free-net, Free-Nets, freephone, freeplace, Freeport, freepost, free-pouring, freer, free-range, freeride, freescan, freesheet, freesia, freeside, free-soil, free-spender, free-spoken, free-spring, freestanding, free-standing, freestone, freestyle, free-swimming, freeswinging, free-swinging, freethinker, freethinking, free-thinning, Freetown, freetrader, free-trader, free-trip, freeware, freeway, freeways, freewheel, free-wheel, freewheeler, freewheeling, free-wheeling, freewill, freewiller, freeze, freeze drying, freeze out, freeze over, freeze-cleaving, freeze-dry, freezedryer, freeze-dryer, freeze-etching, freeze-fracturing, freeze-frame, freezemeter, freezer, freezers, freezership, freezes, freeze-substitution, freeze-thaw, freeze-up, freezing, freezing mixture, freezing point, freezingly, freezing-microtome, freezing-point, F-region, freibergite, Freiburg, freieslebenite, freight, freight agent, freight car, freight elevator, freight rate, freightage, freighter, freighting, freightliner, freight-liner, freightout, freirinite, frejarol, fremd, fremdly, fremdness, fremitus, fremodyne, Fremont, fremontite, frena, frenal, frenatae, French, French bean, French blue, French bread, French bulldog, French Canadian, French chalk, French door, French dressing, French Franc, French fries, French horn, French Indochina, French kiss, French knot, French leave, French marigold, French Oceania, French pastry, French polish, French Polynesia, French Revolution, French Sudan, French toast, French West Indies, french window, Frenchify, Frenchman, Frenchmeasles, Frenchmen, Frenchwoman, Frenchy, frenectomy, frenetic, frenetical, Frenglish, Frenock, frenolicin, frenoplasty, frenosecretory, frenotomy, frenotron, frenquel, frenulum, frenum, frenzelite, frenzied, frenzy, Freon, freon-11, Freon-12, FREQ, frequence, frequency, frequency band, frequency distribution, frequency modulation, frequency response, frequency-changer, frequency-converter, frequency-discrimination, frequency-doubled, frequency-locking, frequencyspectrometer, frequency-transformer, frequent, frequentation, frequentative, frequenter, frequentin, frequentist, frequentit, frequently, frere, frerret, FRES, frescan, frescannar, fresco, frescoer, frescoing, frescoist, frescos, fresh, fresh breeze, fresh gale, fresh water, freshel, freshen, freshen up, freshener, freshening, fresher, freshet, freshly, freshman, freshness, freshperson, fresh-run, freshwater, Fresnel, Fresnel lens, Fresno, fress, fresser, fressreflex, fret, fretful, fretfully, frets, fretsaw, fret-saw, frettage, fretted, fretting, fretum, fretwork, fret-work, Freud, Freudian, Freudian slip, Freudianism, Freudism, Frey, Freya, freyalite, Freyr, Freysinnet, FRG, FRGS, frhelper, FRI, friability, friable, friagem, friandises, friar, friarbird, friarly, friars, friary, fribble, Fribourg, fricandeau, fricando, fricassee, frication, fricative, frichophore, Frick, frictiograph, friction, friction clutch, frictional, frictionate, frictionbrake, friction-breccia, frictionclutch, friction-compensated, frictionfactor, frictioning, frictionize, friction-monger, frictionometer, frictiontape, friction-tight, friction-type, Friday, Fridays, fridge, fridge-freezer, fried, fried egg, fried rice, Frieda, friedcake, friedcheese, friedelane, friedelin, friedelinol, friedelite, Friedman, Friedmanite, Friedrich Engels, friend, friended, friendless, friendliness, friendly, friendly fire, Friendly Islands, Friends, FriendsCafe Oprah, friendship, friente, frier, fries, Friesian, friesite, Friesland, frieze, friezette, friezing, frig, frigaround, frigate, frigate bird, frige, Frigen, Frigg, Frigga, frigger, frigging, fright, frighten, frightened, frightening, frighteningly, frightful, frightfully, frightfulness, frigid, frigid zone, frigidaire, frigidaria, frigidarium, frigidite, frigidity, frigidly, frigidoreceptor, frigidty, frigo, frigofuge, frigolabile, frigon, frigorideserta, frigorie, frigorific, frigorifico, frigorimeter, frigory, frigostable, frigotherapy, frijol, frijole, frijoles, frikadel, frilals, frilis, frill, frilled, Frilled Lizard, frillery, frillies, frilling, frills, frilly, frim, Frimaire, frina, FRING, fringe, fringe benefit, fringed, fringed pink, fringedrift, fringefoot, fringeless, fringepod, fringer, fringes, fringetail, fringillid, Fringillidae, fringing, fringlish, fringy, fripper, frippery, frippet, frisbee, Frisch, Frisco, frise, frisé, frisee, frisée, frisette, friseur, Frisian, Frisian Islands, frisk, frisket, friskful, friskily, frisking, frisky, frison, frisonette, frisson, frisure, frit, frites, fritfly, frith, frithstool, fritilary, fritill, fritillaria, fritillarine, fritillary, fritilline, fritimine, fritiminine, frito, frits, fritschinellaxanthin, frittata, fritted, fritter, fritter away, fritters, fritting, Fritz, fritzcheite, frivol, frivolite, frivolity, frivolous, frivolously, friz, frizette, frizz, frizzing, frizzle, frizzled, frizzling, frizzly, frizzy, FRM, FRN, fro, froben, Frobisher, frobnitz, frock, frock coat, frocking, frocks, froe, Froebel, Froebelian, Froebelism, FROF, frog, frog-belly, frogbit,


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