In the sagittal section of the T2-weighted image, hyperintense lesions are present in the tegmentum of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata.
图B) 在T2 权重纵向截面图像,高讯号病变出现在中脑、桥脑、延脑背盖区。
In the sagittal section of the T2-weighted image, hyperintense lesions are present in the tegmentum of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata.
图B) 在T2 权重纵向截面图像,高讯号病变出现在中脑、桥脑、延脑背盖区。
Results The patients main signs were dizziness, vomiting, barylalia, dysbasia and hemiplegia.The focus was mainly in the middle or at the top of the pons.