Erbium-doped superfluorescent fiber sources (SFS) pumped near 980nm in double-pass backward (DPB) configuration have been characterized through theoretical simulation.
Erbium-doped superfluorescent fiber sources (SFS) pumped near 980nm in double-pass backward (DPB) configuration have been characterized through theoretical simulation.
The map shows the configuration of the North American continent, with its mountains, rivers, and plains.
Any EarthWatch setup may be saved in a configuration file and later restored by opening the file.
Exclusively available with a six-speed manual transmission, the gearbox uses a transaxle configuration to aid weight distribution.
The results showed that four kinds of HPAM were regularly distributed with different configurations of flowerlike,dendritic and pectine.
Aim To validate spectrum analysis of oxalyl fluoride neutral molecule(FCO)2 and study vibrational mode of the two configuration.
The results indicate that ultrasound alone could initiate lipid peroxidation and lecithoid configuration degradation resulting in membrane fluidity decline.
Design,raw material configuration and at actual producting technical requirement of sirofil-spun superfine-tex Doeskin fabric was relative detailed brought in.
Two different symmetric configurations in the electronic structure of propadiene molecule are calculated by adopting PSHONDO SCF full electronic ab initio calculation.
Thin spinal cord slices with attached dorsal root were obtained with a vibratome and whole-cell patch-clamp configuration was established under the infrared observation.
The EA Series offer advanced circuitry design, low profile chassis removable channel modules and true dual monaural configuration.
Abstract A method is suggested to determine the absolute configuration of ent kaurene diterpenoids by analysing the circular dichroism spectral data of 13 hydroxy ent kaurenoids.
ALAMODE allows the user to instantly optimize the mode pages for either Digital Video or Pre-Press applications, or restore the configuration to the factory-supplied default values.
ALAMODE 允许用户优选方式页为或者数字式录影或立即预先压制应用, 或恢复配对由工厂供应的缺省值。
The structure shows a distorted trigonal bipyramidal configuration with five-coordinations to a central tin atom.
The quantum chemical theoretic and experimental studies on the configuration,state of aggregation and carbocyanine molecular structure domino effect of its properties are introduced in this paper.
The deductive method of atomic spectral terms for equivalent and nonequivalent configurations is the key part of the study of quantum chemistry, structural chemistry and atomic physics.
Furthermore, as the total step height is the same, the combustor configuration with one backwind step has higher performance than the combustor configuration with two backwind step.
Then ultrasonic wave and solvent were exerted into the crystallizable solution to change its natures,adjust the formation of crystal water and affect the change of crystal configuration.
In this paper,according to ground state energy,microcosmic spin configuration of ground state of three sublittice is discussed,saturated magnetic moment of each sublattice in ground state is given.
JCQ depurant-muffler is adopted on 49ZQ engine using small rare-earth element balls as catalyst and took the method of quadrature frequency band optimization to opetmize the configuration parameters.