Hyperplasia of synovium leads to formation of pannus which destroys cartilage and bone in the affected joint.
Hyperplasia of synovium leads to formation of pannus which destroys cartilage and bone in the affected joint.
53 patients with SHP were examined by ultrasond and compared with the ultrasounogram of parathyroidal hyperplasia,nodosity thyroncus andlymphadenectasis.
The occurrence of hypokaliemia in both hyperplasia Cushing syndrome patients and those with adrenoma was all higher, accounting for 30.43% and 33.33%.
Before the treatment, the diagnostic uterine curettage were performed to see whether the pathologic result is the pute hyperplasia of the endometrium or not.
Conclusion: The shape-memory polymer based polylactide can stimulate fiber hyperplasia after insert in tubal of rabbits and this material can biodegradate, it is atoxic.
He is good at urology diseases such as prostate hyperplasia, acute or onic prostatitis, difficult prostatitis, impotency, prospermia, ED, Stds, deficiency of sperm, male sterility.
Methods The expression of FHIT and PCNA protein in 10 normal endometria, 16 endometrial atypical hyperplasia and 44 endometrial carcinoma tissues was observed by immunohistochemical S-P method.
Methods Clinical and follow up data were summarized for 42 children with adrenogenital syndrome, including 30 cases of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and 12 cases of adrenal cortex tumor.