2.Farthermost transmission distance is 34 kilometers between the campus.
3.The tab for superhighways may run as high as 2 million dollars a kilometer.
4.Near the Martian equator sits a volcano 1,100 kilometers in diameter named Syrtis Major.
5.It flies at about 900 kilometers an hour.
6.We went twenty kilometers inland, up the river.
7.The two cities are one hundred kilometers apart.
8.The deposits spread for 100 kilometers across four counties.
这些矿藏绵延一百, 跨越四个县。
9.The farm is isolated; the nearest house is 30 kilometers away.
10.The scale of this map is one centimeter to the kilometer.
11.Traffic stacked up for kilometers.
12.The Grand Canyon in the USA is 1900 metres deep and 25 kilometers wide at its maximum.
13.The fungus was detected near the town of Nao Me Toque, which is about 100 kilometers southwest of Passo Fundo.
14.Pivoting 90 degrees, Raab pans westward across the sagebrush-stubbled desert until he spots an identical tube and another building, also four kilometers distant.
15.Retroengine's firing time must the accuracy control, the firing time differ 1 second, will cause the airship point of descent position difference kilometer.
16.A rule says that the height of a wave (in meters) will usually be no more than one-tenth of the wind's speed (in kilometers).
17.We searched other major valleys sporting outcrops of the same volcanically derived sedimentary rocks, which are exposed across thousands of square kilometers of mountainous terrain.
18.The temperature at Earth's exobase oscillates but is typically about 1,000 kelvins, implying that hydrogen atoms have an average speed of five kilometers per second.
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