IQF WILD LINGONBERRY 1.DESCRIPTION : Lingonberry , its scientific name is cowberry , belonging to azalea section .Cowberry is a kind of plant which is herbaceous .
品牌:鑫 北国红豆 1.产品描述:“北国红豆”,学名越桔,杜鹃花科、越桔属多年草本植物。
IQF WILD LINGONBERRY 1.DESCRIPTION : Lingonberry , its scientific name is cowberry , belonging to azalea section .Cowberry is a kind of plant which is herbaceous .
品牌:鑫 北国红豆 1.产品描述:“北国红豆”,学名越桔,杜鹃花科、越桔属多年草本植物。