From this point simply swing forward and up and the racquet will naturally become vertical at contact, provided that you swing from the shoulders and do not get too wristy.
从这点,假定网拍在接触点下面一呎,只是向前和向上挥拍, 如此网拍将自然在接触中变成垂直,假设你是从肩膀挥拍而且不是太用到手腕的话。
From this point simply swing forward and up and the racquet will naturally become vertical at contact, provided that you swing from the shoulders and do not get too wristy.
从这点,假定网拍在接触点下面一呎,只是向前和向上挥拍, 如此网拍将自然在接触中变成垂直,假设你是从肩膀挥拍而且不是太用到手腕的话。