| 划词

She straps on a wrist watch.




bitmap, bit-mapped, bitmaps, BITNET, bitnik, bito, Bitola, bitolterol, bitonal, bitonic, bit-oriented, bitplane, bitre, bitrochanteric, bitrope, bitropic, BITS, bits per second, bitsharpener, bitstock, bitsy, bitt, bitten, bitter, bitter almond, bitter end, bitter orange, bitter principle, bitterbark, bitter-bark, bitterbrush, Bitterbush, bitter-cup, bitterend, bitter-ender, bittering, bitterish, bitterless, bitterling, bitterly, bittern, bitterness, bitternut, bitterroot, bitters, bittersweet, bitterweed, bittock, bitts, bitty, bituberculate, bitulith, bitulithic, bitumastic, bitumen, bitumeniferous, bitumenite, bitumenizing, bitumens, bitumination, bituminise, bituminite, bituminization, bituminize, bituminosis, bituminous, bituminous coal, bituminouspaint, bitumite, bitumogene, bitunicate, bitusol, bitwise, Bitzer, biuncinate, biunique, biuniqueness, biunivocal, biurate, biurea, biuret, BIV), bivacancy, bivaginaosis, bivalence, bivalent, bivallate, bivalve, bivalves, Bivalvia, bivalvular, bivane, bivariant, bivariants, bivariate, bi-vault, bivector, bivectorial, bivelangiocarpy, biventer, biverticillate, bivibrator, bivicon, bivinyl, bivitelline, bivittate, bivium, bivoltine, bivouac, bivouacked, bivouacking, bivouacsack, bivvy, Biwa, biweekly, BIX, Bixaceae, bixbite, bixbyite, bixi, bixin, bixol, bixylidene, bixylyl, biyearly, B-Iymphocytes, Biysk, biz, bizad, bizardite, bizarre, bizarreness, bizarrerie, Bizarro, BizChina, bize, Bizerte, bizet, bizonal, Bizonia, bizygomatic, bizzard, Bizzare, bizzy, bj, Bjork, bk, BKC, BKG, BKI, BKK, bks, BKT, BL, BLA, blab, blabber, blabbermouth, black, black coffee, black hole, blackamoor, black-and-blue, black-and-tan, black-and-white, blackart, blackavised, blackback, blackball, blackband, blackbeetle, blackberry, blackberry lily, blackbird, blackbirder, blackboard, blackboard eraser, blackbody, black-browed, blackbuck, blackburnian, blackbutt, blackcap, blackcoat, blackcock, blackcurrant, blackdamp, blackedged, blacken, blackened, blackener, blackening, Blackett, black-eyed, blackface, black-faced, Blackfeet, blackfellow, blackfin, blackfire, blackfish, blackfishing, blackfly, Blackfoot, blackfungus, blackguard, blackguardism, blackguardly, blackhead, blackheart, blackhearted, blackie, blacking, blackingbrush, blackish, blackjack, blackland, blacklead, blackleg, blackleggery, black-letter, blacklight, blacklist, blacklung, blackly, blackmail, blackmailer, blackmarket, black-market, Blackmun, blackneb, blackness, blacknose, blackout, blackplate, blackpoll, Blackpool, blackpot, blackquarter, Blacksburg, blackshirt, blacksmith, blacksmithing, blacksmithshop, blacksnake, blacksploitation, blackspot, blackstick, blackstrap, blacktail, blacktailed, blackthorn, black-tie, blacktipshark, blacktongue, blacktop, blacktown, black-tracker, blackwash, blackwatch, blackwater, Blackwell, blackwhip, Blackwood, blackwork, blacky, Bladan, bladder, bladdernose, bladdernut, bladderpipe, bladderseed, bladderworm, bladderwort, bladdery, blade, bladebone, bladed, blademan, bladen, blader, blades, bladesmith, bladework, bladex, blading, blae, blaeberry, blaff, blagging, Blagoveshchensk, blague, blagueur, blah, blah-blah, blah-blah-blah, blahs, blain, Blaine, Blair, blaireau, Blairism, Blairite, blairmorite, Blake, blakeite, Blakey, blamable, blamablely, blame, blameable, blamed, blameful, blameless, blamelessly, Blamer, blameworthy, blanc, blanc fixe, Blancan, blanch, Blanche, blanched, blancher, blanchet, blanching, blancmange, blancmanger, blanco, blancol, bland, bland diet, blandel, blander, blandest, blandiloquence, Blanding, blandish, blandishment, blandishments, blandly, blandness, blanfordite, blangel, blank, blank check, blank cheque, blank endorsement, blank out, blank space, blank verse, blankbook, Blankenburgschich, blanker, blanket, blanket stitch, blanketflower, blanketing, blanketry, blankets, blankety, blanketyblank, blankety-blank, blanketyblankblank, blanking, blankly, blankness, blanknote, blankoff, Blankophor, blanks, blanky, blanquet, blanquette, Blanquism, Blantyre, blaquets, blare, blarney, Blarney stone, blas, blasar, blase, blaspheme, blasphemer, blasphemous, blasphemy, blast, blast furnace, blast off, blast wave, blastability, blasted, blastema, blastemic, blasteniospore, blaster, blastfurnace, blasthole, blastic, blasticidin, blastid, blastide, blastie, blastin, blastine, blasting, blasting cap, blasting gelatin, blastissimo, blastment, blastmycin, blasto-, blastoaleuria, Blastobasidae, blastobreccia, blastocardia, blastocarpous, blastocele, blastocelis, blastochore, blastochyle, blastocoel, blastocoele, blastocolysis, blastocone, blastoconidium, blastocyst, blastocyte, blastocytoma, blastodendriosis, blastoderm, blastodermal, blastodermic, blastodisc, blastodisk, blastoff, blast-off, blastoformation, blastogenesis, blastogenetic, blastogenic, blastogenotia, blastogensis, blastogranitic, blasto-hemiclastite, blasto-holoclastite, blastoid, Blastoidea, blastoids, blastokinesis, blastokinin, blastokolin, blastoma, blastomatosis, blastomatous, blastomere, blastomogen, blastomogenic, blastomyces, blastomycete, Blastomycetes, blastomycetic, blastomycin, Blastomycoides, blastomycosis, blastomylonite, blastoneuropore, blastoparenchymatous, blastophitic, blastophore, blastophthoria, blastophthoric, blastophyllum, blastopore, blastoporerest, blastoporphyritic, blastopsammite, blastopsammitic, blastopsephitic, blastosphere, blastospore, blastostroma, blastostyle, blastotomy, blastotoxy, blastous, blastpipe, blast-produced, blastproof, blastula, blastular, blastulation, blat, blatancy, blatant, blatantly, blate, Blatella, blather, blatherskite, blatt, blatter, Blatthaller, Blattidae, blattnerphone, Blattodea, Blattopteroidea, blaubok, blau-gas, Blavatsky, blaw, blawg, blaxploitation, blay, blazar, blaze, blaze away, BlazeDVD, blazer, blazers, blazes, blazing, blazing star, blazing-off, blazingstar, blazon, blazonment, blazonry, BLC, bldg., BLE, bleach, bleach out, bleachability, bleachable, bleached, bleacher, bleacherite, bleachers, bleachery, bleaches, bleachfield, bleaching, bleaching agent, bleaching clay, bleaching earth, bleaching powder, bleak, bleaker, bleakest, bleakly, bleakness, blear, bleareye, blear-eyed, blearily, bleary, blearyeyed, bleary-eyed, bleat, bleb, blebbing, blebby, Blechnaceae, bleck, bled, bleed, bleeder, bleedillustration, bleeding, bleeding heart, bleeding-heart, bleeding-out, bleed-off, bleed-out, bleed-through, bleep, bleeper, blellum, blematogen, blemish, blemmatogen, blemya, blench, blend, blende, blended, blended whisky, blendent, blender, blenders, blending, blendo, blends, blendword, Blenheim, Blenheim spaniel, blennelytria, blennemesis, blennenteria, blennioid, blennometrorrhea, blennorrhagia, blennorrhea, blennorrhoea, blennothorax, blennuria, blenny, blennymenerysipelas, blenometer, blenorrhagia, blent, bleocin, bleomycin, bleomycinamide, blepharadenitis, blepharectomy, blepharelosis, blepharism, blepharismin, blepharitis, blepharmone, blepharoadenitis, blepharo-adenoma, blepharoatheroma, blepharoblennorrhea, Blepharoceridae, blepharochalasis, blepharocleisis, blepharoclonus, blepharocoloboma, blepharoconjunctivitis, blepharodiastasis, blepharoedema, blepharoemphysema, blepharon, blepharonysis, blepharopachynsis, blepharophimosis, blepharophryplasty, blepharoplast, blepharoplasty, blepharoptosis, blepharorrhaphy, blepharospasm, blepharosphincterectomy, blepharostat, blepharotomy, blepsopathia, blesbok, blesbuck, bless, blessed, blessed thistle, blessed virgin, blessedly, blessedness, blessing, blest, blet, blether, bletonism, bletting, bleu, bleuderoi, blew, blewits, bliabergite, bliaut, blibbing, blibe, blicker, Blida, BLIE, Bligh, blight, blighted, blighter, Blightox, Blighty, blik, blimey, blimp, blimpish, blimy, blin, blind, blind alley, blind date, blind gut, blind landing, blind side, blind spot, blind trust, blindage, blinder, blinders, blindfast, blindfish, blindfold, blindgating, blindgut, blinding, blind-loop, blindly, blindman, blindness, blinds, blindside, blind-sided, blindsight, blindstory, blindworm, B-line, b-lines, blini, blinis, blink, blinkard, blinker, blinkered, blinkers, blinking, blinks, blintz, blintze, bliny, blip, BLIPS, BLIS, bliss, blissful, blissfully, blissout, blister, blister beetle, blister copper, blister pack, blistering, blisters, blistery, blit, BLit., blithe, blithely, blithemeat, blither, blithering, blithesome, BLitt, blitz, blitzed, blitzkrieg, blivit, blix, blizzard, BLL, blluye, BLM, BLN, bloat, bloated, bloatedness, bloater, bloating, blob, blobberlipped, blobber-lipped, blobby, blobs, bloc, blocade, blocallocation, Bloch, block, block and tackle, block capital, block diagram, block head, block letter, block out, blockade, blockader, blockade-runner, blockage, blockboard, blockbuster, blockbusting, block-condenser, blockdiagram, blocked, block-end, blocker, blockers, blockette, blockfuce, blockgang, blockglide, blockhead, blockhouse, block-incourse, block-in-course, blocking, blocking agent, blocking-lever, blockish, blocklatch, blockman, blockmilk, blocknumber, blocknut, block-oriented, blockout, block-print, blockprinter, blocks, blockship, blockslide, block-structured, blocksymbol, blocktalc, blockwork, blocky, blockyard, blodge, BLODI, blodite, bloedite, Bloemfontein, blog, blogerati, blogosphere, blogroll, Blois, Blok, bloke, blolly, Blom, blomstrandine, blond, blonde, Blondel, blonder, blondie, blondin, blondine, blondinette, blood, blood agar, blood bank, blood blister, blood brother, blood brotherhood, blood cell, blood clot, blood clotting, blood coagulation, blood corpuscle, blood count, blood donor, blood dyscrasia, blood feud, blood fluke, blood group, blood meal, blood money, blood plasma, blood platelet, blood poisoning, blood pressure, blood relation, blood sausage, blood serum, blood sport, blood stain, blood stream, blood sugar, blood test, blood transfusion, blood type, blood vessel, blood-and-guts, blood-and-thunder, bloodbath, blood-bath, blood-bouillon, blood-brother, blood-chlorides, bloodcurdler, bloodcurdling, blooddrop, blooded, blood-fat, bloodfin, bloodguilt, bloodguilty, blood-high-viscosity-syndrome, bloodhound, blood-hound, bloodily, bloodiness, bloodless, bloodless revolution, bloodletter, bloodletting, bloodline, blood-lipoids, blood-low-viscosity-syndrome, bloodlust, bloodlymph, bloodmobile, bloodnoun, blood-rain, bloodred, blood-red, bloodroot, bloodshed, bloodshedding, bloodshot, bloodsnow, blood-snow, bloodspotting, bloodstain, bloodstained, bloodstock, bloodstone, bloodstream, bloodsucker, bloodsucking, blood-test, bloodthirsty, bloodwood, bloodworm, bloodwort, bloody, Bloody Mary, bloody-minded, blooey, blooie, bloom, bloom of youth, bloomary, bloom-base, bloomed, bloomer, bloomers, bloomery, Bloomfield, bloominess, blooming, bloomingmill, Bloomington, blooms, Bloomsburian, Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury Group, bloomy, bloop, blooper, Bloor, blossom, blossom out, blossomy, blot, blotch, blotched, blotches, blotchy, blott, blotted, blotter, blottesque, blotting, blotting paper, blotto, blouse, bloused wetpockets, blouses, blouson, blousy, blove, bloviate, blow, blow a fuse, blow away, blow down, blow hole, blow lamp, blow out, blow over, blow pipe, blow torch, blow up, blowability, blowback, blowball, blowby, blow-by, blow-by-blow, blowcase, blow-cock, blowdown, blow-down, blow-dried, blow-dry, blowed, blower, blowers, blowfish, blowfly, blowgun, blowhard, blowhole, blow-hole, blowing, blowing-down, blowing-in, blowing-off, blowing-out, blowing-up, blowlamp, blowland, blowline, blowmobile, blown, blown-sponge, blown-up, blowoff, blow-off, blow-on, blowout, blow-out, blow-period, blowpipe, blowpit, blowrun, blowsy, blowtank, blow-tank, blow-test, blowtorch, blowtube, blowup, blow-up, blowwave, blowy, blowzed, blowzy, BLP, BLS, BLSS, BLT, BLU, blub, blubber, blubberhead, blubbering, blubbery, blucher, bludgeon, bludger, blue, blue blood, blue book, blue cheese, blue chip, blue collar, blue devils, blue flag, blue funk, blue green, blue moon, Blue Nile, blue note, Blue Peter, blue point, blue print, blue ribbon, blue stocking, blue stone, blue vitriol, blue whale, blue-and-white, blueback, Bluebeard, bluebell, blueberry, bluebill, bluebird, blue-black, blue-blooded, bluebonnet, bluebottle, bluebull, bluebush, bluebutton, bluechip, blue-chip, bluecoat, bluecollar, blue-collar, bluecurls, blued, blue-eye, blueeyed, bluefin, bluefin tuna, blue-finished, bluefish, blue-fluorescence, bluefrit, bluegill, bluegrass, Bluegrass State, blue-green, bluehearts, blueing, blueish, bluejacket, bluejay, blue-jeaned, bluejeans, bluejoint, blueleek, blueline, bluely, blueness, bluenose, bluepencil, blue-pencil, blue-plate, bluepoint, blueprint, blueprint paper, blueprinter, blueprinting machine, bluer, blue-ribbon, blueroan, blues, blueshortness, bluesky, blue-sky, bluesman, bluesrock, blue-stain, bluestem, bluestocking, bluestone, bluestoneer, bluesy, bluet, bluethroat, bluetick, bluetongue, bluetooth, bluets, bluette, blueweed, bluey, bluff, bluffer, bluffing, bluffly, bluffness, bluing, bluish, bluish green, bluish grey, bluish white, Blum, Blume, blumea, Blumenau, blumite, blunder, blunderbuss, blunderer, blunderhead, blundering, blunderingly, blunge, blunger, blunging, blunk, blunt, blunt file, blunt-edged, blunthook, blunting, bluntly, bluntness, blunt-nosed, bluppy, blur, blurb, blurbing, blurbist, blurble, Blurr, blurred, blurring, blurry, blurs, blurt, blurt out, blush, blush wine, blushed, blusher, blushful, blushing, blushingly, blushy, bluster, blustering, blusterous, blustery, blutwurst, blvd., Blymphocyte, B-lymphocytes, Blythe, BM, BMA, BMAC, B-magnitude, BMC, BMD, BMDATC, BMDC, BMDS, BME, BMEP, BMEWS, BMG, BMI, BMJ, BMO, BMOC, bmos, Bmouse, BMP, BMR, BMS, BMSD, BMT, BMTA, BMTFA, BMus, BMV, BMW, BMWS, BMX, bn, bn., BNC, BND, BNDD, BNES, BNF, BNFL, B-Nine, BNL, BNN, BNOC, BNR, BNS, BO, boa, boa constrictor, Boabdil, BOAC, Boadicea, Boanerges, boar, board, board foot, board game, board measure, board meeting, board of directors, board of education, board of trustees, board room, board rule, board-certified, boarder, boarders, boarding, boarding card, boarding house, boarding pass, boarding school, boardinghouse, boardings, board-like, boardman, boardness, boardroom, board-rule, boards, boardsailing, boardwalk, boardy, boarfish, boarhound, boarish, boart, boarwood, Boas, boast, boaster, boastful, boasting, boat, boat deck, boat hook, boat race, boatable, boatage, boatbill, boat-deck, boatel, boater, boatfall, boat-harbor, boatheader, boathook, boathouse, boating, boatlift, boatload, boatman, boatmanship, boatnik, boatrace, boats, boatsteerer, boatstretcher, boatswain, boatswork, boattail, boatwright, boatyard, Boaz, bob, Bob Dylan, bobachee, Bobadil, bobatorium, bobbed, bobber, bobbery, Bobbie, bobbin, bobbin lace, bobbine, bobbiner, bobbinet, bobbing, bobbinite, bobbins, bobbish, bobble, bobbly, bobby, bobby pin, bobby-dazzler, bobbysocks, bobbysoxer, bobby-soxer, bobcat, bobcats, bobeche, Bobette, bobierite, bobierrite, boblet, bobo, Bobol, bobolink, Bobos, bobotie, bobrovkite, bobsled, bob-sled, bobsledding, bobsleigh, bobstay, bobtail, bobweight, bobwhite, bobwig, Boby, BOC, bocaccio, bocage, bocasin, bocca, Boccaccio, boccaro, boccassini, bocce, Boccherini, bocci, boccia, boccie, Boccioni, bocconine, Boche, Bochum, bock, Bockscar, Bockwurst, bocky, boco, bocon, bod, bodacious, bodden, boddhisattva, bode, bodeful, bodega, bodement, bodenite, Bodensee, bodge, bodgie, bodhi, Bodhidharma, bodhisat, Bodhisattva, bodhran, bodice, bodied, bodies, bodik, bodiless, bodily, bodiness, boding, bodkin, Bodleian, Bodley, Bodmin, Bodoni, Bodonidae, body, body and soul, body armor, body building, body count, body English, body fluid, body forth, body guard, body language, body lotion, body odor, body odour, body paint, body stocking, body temperature, body type, body weight, body-blow, bodyboard, bodybuild, body-building, body-centered, body-centred, Bodyfree, bodyfuse, bodyguard, bodying, body-self, bodyshell, bodysuit, bodysurf, bodywood, bodywork, Boehm, Boehmenism, boehmite, Boeman, Boeotia, Boeotian, Boer, Boers, Boethius, boetwoodite, bof, boff, boffin, boffle, boffo, boffola, bofors, Bofors gun, bog, Bogan, Bogart, bogbean, bogenfahren, bogey, bogeyman, bogged, boggey, bogging, boggle, boggy, boghead, boghead-cannel, boghouse, bogie, bogies, bogle, Bogners, Bogolon, Bogor, Bogota, bog-standard, bogtrotter, bogus, bogwood, bogy, bogyman, boh, Bohai, Bohaispiridae, bohea, Bohemia, Bohemian, Bohemianism, bohler, Boho, Bohol, Bohr, bohr theory, bohrium, bohunk, BOI, boiar, Boiardo, Boidae, boil, boil down, boil down to, boil over, boiled, boiled egg, boil-eddy, boiler, boiler plate, boiler suit, boilermaker, boilerplate, boilery, boiling, boiling point, boiling-off, boiling-out, boilings, boilingtank, boiloff, boil-off, boilover, boilproof, boina, boing, boink, Boise, boiserie, boisterous, boisterously, boit, boite, Boito, BOJ, boka, Bokhara, Bokmal, boko, bokoo, Boksburg, BOL, bola, bolandiol, bolar, bolarious, bolasterone, bold, bold face, boldenone, bolder, boldface, bold-face, boldfaced, bold-faced, boldhearted, boldine, boldly, boldness, boldoglucin, boldtype, bole, bolection, boleite, bolero, Boletales, bolete, boletus, Boleyn, Bolger, bolide, Bolingbroke, Bolingbrook, bolivar, Bolivia, Bolivian, boliviano, bolix, boll, boll weevil, bollard, boller, bollix, bollo, bollock, bollocking, bollocks, boll-weevil, bollworm, bolmantalate, bolo, bologna, Bologna sausage, Bolognese, bologram, bolograph, bolometer, bolometricmagnitude, boloney, Bolonga, boloscope, Bolshevik, Bolsheviki, Bolshevism, Bolshevist, Bolshevistic, Bolshevize, bolshie, bolshy, bolson, Bolsover, bolster, bolster up, bolstering, bolt, bolt cutter, bolt hole, boltaction, Boltaflex, bolted, boltel, bolter, bolthead,


3G, 401(K), a,


NPR音 20134合集

Winters began performing to win a wrist watch.



Only fifteen minutes more in which it would be possible to shoot, I thought, glancing at my wrist watch.



He looked at his wrist watch rather pointedly.



She glanced at her wrist watch.



In the old days, queens included wrist watches among their crown jewelry.



I had my wrist watch on now, but it had run down.

我现在戴上了手表, 但它没电了。


Race car drivers also loved to wear wrist watches.



Again that wrist watch! Poirot was eyeing me curiously.



She looked at her wrist watch, drawing a full length sleeve back to do it.

她看了看手表, 把长袖子往后拉了拉。


He jumped to his feet and looked at the phosphorescent hands of his wrist watch.

他跳了起来, 看着手表上发出磷光的指针。


Soon, men dared to wear wrist watches without feeling self-conscious.



I recalled my wonder at his cryptic allusions to the flower bed and the wrist watch.



She lied about the wrist watch, she lied about the masked men — she lied about a third thing.

她撒谎了手表, 她撒了谎关于蒙面——她在第三件事上撒了谎。


Because of the wrist watch that is two hours fast.



It is generally believed that wrist watches are an exception to the normal sequence in the evolution of men's jewelry.



The wrist watch of Madame Renauld, on the day following the tragedy, had gained two hours.

雷诺夫的手表, 在悲剧发生后的第二天, 增加了两个小时。


He looked at his wrist watch with a worried frown that knotted his face and made it look older and smaller.

。 他看着手表, 担心地皱着眉头, 皱着眉头,让他的脸看起来更老更小。

VOA Special 20153合集

Decades ago, a comic strip hero named Dick Tracy talked into his wrist watch, but until now, that has only been something possible in the future.



Soon men dared to wear wrist watches without feeling self-conscious. By 1924, some 30% of man's watches were worn on the wrist. Today, the figure is 90%.



Then army officers discovered that the wrist watch was most practical for active combat. Race car drivers also loved to wear wrist watches, and pilots found them most useful while flying.




boobie, booboisie, booboo, boo-boo, boobs, booby, booby hatch, booby prize, booby trap, boobytrap,


3G, 401(K), a,
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