| 划词

The spaceship is already being counted down.



The whole world was counting down to the new millennium.



Clocker installs into the Firefox statusbar where it will count down the time remaining until some event.

+ Clocker之后,会在状态栏出现距离某一事件剩余时间,这一事件可以自行定义。



Maurice Ravel, Maurist, Mauritania, Mauritanian, Mauritian, Mauritius, Maurya, Mauryan, Mauser, mausoleum, mauve, Mauvein, mauveine, mavacurine, mavar, MAVE, maven, maverick, mavericks, mavin, mavis, mavourneen, mavournin, mavrodaphne, MAVTR, maw, MAWB, mawger, mawkish, mawl, Mawlamyine, MAWS, mawseed, mawsie, Mawson, Max, Max Weber, max., maxacava, maxacoria, maxaponta, Maxell, maxeran, maxi, maxibolin, maxibolincam, maxicoat, maxicomputer, Maxigal, maxilla, maxillae, maxillaria, maxillary, maxillary artery, maxillary sinus, maxillectomy, maxillifer, maxilliped, maxillipede, maxillitis, maxillofacial, maxillofrontale, maxilloturbinal, maxillula, maxilvry, maxim, Maxim gun, maxima, Maximak, maximal, maximalism, maximalist, maximality, maximalsubmodule, maximate, maximatily, Maximilian, maximin, maximintechnique, maximise, maximite, maximization, maximize, maximizer, maximum, maximum-contrast, maximums, maximus, Maxine, maxiorder, maxipen, maxirolling, maxirolling(锻压机的), maxi-series, maxisingle, maxiskirt, Maxite, maxivalence, maxixe, Maxoclor, maxoplasia, max-q, maxterm, Maxthon, Maxtor, maxwell, Maxwellmeter, Maxwell-turn, maxwhite, may, may apple, may as well, May queen, may...but, maya, Mayan, Mayanist, Mayans, Mayapple, Mayas, Maybach, maybe, maybird, maybush, Maycoustic, May-curve, mayday, Maydew, mayduke, Mayence, mayer, mayest, Mayfair, mayflower, mayfly, mayhap, mayhem, Maying, Maymyo, Maynard, mayn't, mayo, Mayon, mayonnaise, mayor, mayoral, mayoralty, mayoress, mayorship, Mayotte, Maypole, Maypon, maypop, Maypress, mays, maysin, mayst, Maysvillian, Maytag, maytanbutacine, maytanbutine, maytanprine, maytansine, maytenin, maythorn, Maytide, Maytime, maytree, mayurone, mayvin, mayweed, mayyan, maza, mazaedium, Mazak, mazalgia, Mazamet, mazard, mazarine, Mazatec, mazaticol, Mazatlan, Mazda, Mazdaism, mazdoor, maze, maze-bright, mazed, maze-dull, mazel, mazer, Mazhabi, mazic, Mazidox, mazindol, mazipredone, mazischesis, mazocacothesis, mazology, mazolysis, mazopasia, mazopathia, mazopathy, mazopexy, mazoplasia, mazout, Mazsa, Mazu, mazuma, mazun, mazurka, mazut, mazy, mazzard, mazzite, MB, mb., MBA, Mbabane, Mbandaka, MBAS, MBB, MBC, MBD, MBE, MBF, MBFR, MBFT, MBH, MBI, Mbini, mbira, Mbit, MBK, MBL, MBM, MBMC, MBMS, MBnet, MBO, MBone, MBP, MBPS, MBQ, MBR, MBS, MBSA, MBST, MBT, MBTI, MBU, MbujiMayi, Mbundu, MBV, mbyte, MC, MCA, McAb, MCAD, Mcafee, McAllen, MCAR, MCAS, MCAT, MCB, MCC, McCain, McCarthy, McCarthyism, McCarthyist, McCarthyite, MCCB, mccd, McClellan, mcclure, McCormack, McCormick, McCoy, MCCU, MCD, McDonald, Mcdonald's, McDowell, MCDP, MCE, MCEB, MCEC, MCEL, MCET, Mcf, MCFC, MCFD, Mcfee, mcg, McGill, mcgovernite, McGregor, McGregor), MCGS, MCH, MCI, Mcintosh, Mcintyre, MCIS, McJob, Mckeesport, Mckenna, McKenney, MCL, McLaren, Mclntosh, McLuhanesque, McLuhanite, McLuhanize, MCM, McMahon Line, McMaSter, McMillan, McMillen, MCMLXXVI, MCMLXXXIV, MCMS, MCMXC, MCN, MCP, MCPA, MCPB, MCPO, MCPS, MCR, m-cresolsulfonphthalein, MCRR, MCRT, MCS, MCSCF, MCSD, MCSE, MCT, MCTI, MCtr, MCtt, MCU, MCUs, MCV, MCVD, MCVF, MCW, MCY, MD, Md., MDA, MDAC, MDAP, m-day, MDB, MDC, MDCC, MDCCCLXXXVIII, MDCCCXCIX, MDCLXVI, MDCS, MDD, MDDPM, MDE, MDECP, MDF, MDG, MDI, m-dihydroxybenzene, MDIS, MDiv, MDK, MDL, MDM, MDMA, Mdme, MDO, MDP, MDQ, MDQS, MDR, MDS, MDT, MDTL, MDU, MDX, me, Me., MEA, mea culpa, meacock, meaconing, mead, Meade, Meader, meadol, meadow, Meadow Saffron, meadowland, meadowlark, meadows, meadowsweet, meadowwink, meadowy, meager, meagerly, meagre, meagrely, meal, meal ticket, meal time, mealanguage, mealer, mealie, mealiness, Mealing, meals, mealtime, mealworm, mealy, mealybug, mealymouthed, mealy-mouthed, mean, mean deviation, mean distance, mean value, meand, meander, meandering, meanderings, meandrine, meandrous, meanie, meaning, meaningful, meaningfulness, meaningless, meaningly, meanings, meanly, mean-metric, meanness, mean-rootsquare, means, means test, meanspirited, meant, Meantes, meantime, meantype, mean-volume-surface, meanwhile, meany, mear, Mearlin, Mearns, measle, measled, measles, measly, measurable, measurably, measurand, measuration, Measuray, measure, measure out, measure up, measured, measure-kernel, measureless, measurement, measurementtechnique, measurer, measures, measuring, measuring cup, measuring instrument, measuring rod, measuring stick, measuring system, measuringtechnique, meat, meat and potatoes, meat grinder, meat loaf, meat packer, meatal, meat-and-potatoes, meat-ax, meatball, meateater, meat-eating, Meath, meathead, meatless, meatman, meatmen, meatometer, meatoplasty, meatorrhaphy, meatoscope, meatoscopy, meatotome, meatotomy, meatpacking, meats, meatus, meatworker, meatworks, meaty, mebanazine, mebendazole, mebenil, mebeverine, mebhydrolin, MEBO, mebolazine, mebor, mebrane, mebron, mebropine, mebubarbital, mebumalnatrium, mebutamate, mebutizide, mec, meca, Mecadox, mecalix, mecamylamine, mecanography, mecaprine, mecarbam, mecarbinate, mecarphon, mecarta, MECAS, Mecca, Meccan, Meccano, Me-CCNU, mech, mechanic, mechanical, mechanical advantage, mechanical device, mechanical drawing, mechanical energy, mechanical engineer, mechanical engineering, mechanical mixture, mechanical system, mechanicaldynamometer, mechanicalism, mechanicalist, mechanically, mechanically-propelled, mechanicalness, mechanicalpyrometer, mechanicals, mechanicalshovel, mechanicaltwin, mechanical-vignetting, mechanician, mechanicoreceptor, mechanics, Mechanicsville, mechanisation, mechanise, mechanism, mechanist, mechanistic, mechanizable, mechanization, mechanize, mechanized, mechanizer, mechanocaloric, mechanocardiogram, mechanocardiography, mechanochemical, mechanochemistry, mechanocyte, mechanogram, mechanograph, mechanography, mechanogymnastics, mechanology, mechanoluminescence, mechanomorphic, mechanomorphism, mechanoreception, mechanoreceptive, mechanoreceptor, mechanostriction, mechanotherapy, mechanothermy, mechanotheropy, mechanotronics, mechatronics, Mechelen, Mechlin, mechlorethamine, mecholy, Mechs, mecillinam, mecism, Mecklenburg, meclizine, meclofenoxane, mecloqualone, meclozine, mecocephalic, mecocyanin, mecometer, mecon, meconate, meconic, meconidine, meconin, meconine, meconism, meconium, meconology, Mecopar, mecoprop, Mecoptera, mecopteran, mecrencephalon, mecrifurone, mecrilate, mecrobes, mecrocrystalline, Mecromelania, mecro-rheology, mecystasis, mecysteine, MED, med., MEDAC, medacoria, medaillon, medaka, medal, Medal of Honor, medaled, medalet, medalist, medallic, medallion, medallist, medals, Medan, medaron, Medawar, medazepam, medazomide, MEDDA, meddle, meddler, meddlesome, meddling, meddy, Mede, Medea, medecamycin, Medel, Medellin, medermycin, medevac, medex, Medford, Medgel, medi-, media, mediacy, mediad, mediae, mediaeval, mediaevalism, mediaevalist, mediaevalize, mediaevally, mediagenic, medial, medial condyle, medialess, medially, mediaman, mediamorphosis, median, mediananisiophylly, medians, mediant, mediaperson, mediashy, mediastinal, mediastinitis, mediastinography, mediastinopericarditis, mediastinoscope, mediastinoscopy, mediastinotomy, mediastinum, mediate, mediated, MediaTek, mediately, mediation, mediatise, mediative, mediatize, mediator, mediatorial, mediatory, mediatress, mediatrice, mediatrix, medibank, medibazine, Mediben, medic, medicable, Medicaid, medical, medical care, medical examination, medical examiner, medical history, medical institution, medical officer, medical practitioner, medical record, medical science, medical staff, medicalcorder, medicalize, medically, medicament, medicamentarius, medicamentum, medicant, medicare, medicaster, medicate, medicated, medication, medicative, medicator, medicean, medichair, Medici, medicinable, medicinal, medicine, medicine ball, medicine cabinet, medicine chest, medicine man, medicine-chest, medicinerea, medick, medico, medicoathletics, medicobotanical, medicolegal, medicomechanical, medicommissure, medicophysics, medicopsychology, medicosocial, medieval, Medieval Greek, medieval Latin, medievalism, medievalist, medievalize, medifixed, medifossette, medifoxamine, medifrontal, medifurca, medigap, medigoxin, medii, mediiphyric, Medina, medinal, medio, mediocidin, mediocommissure, mediocre, mediocritize, mediocrity, mediocubitus, mediography, mediolingual, medionecrosis, mediopalatal, mediopellis, mediophyric, Medio-Pleistocene, mediopontine, mediopyrine, mediosilicic, mediotergite, medio-twist, medipectus, medipot, mediproboscis, mediscalenus, meditate, meditating, meditation, meditative, meditatively, meditator, mediterranean, Mediterranean anemia, Mediterranean fever, Mediterranean flour moth, mediterranean fruit fly, mediterranean sea, medium, medium frequency, medium of exchange, medium size, medium wave, medium-bedded, medium-drying, medium-fit, medium-grinding, medium-hardening, mediumistic, medium-priced, medium-range, medium-range-order, mediums, mediumship, mediumshot, medium-sized, medium-term, mediumwave, medius, medjidite, medlab, medlar, MEDLARS, medley, medleyist, medlin, MEDLINE, Medoc, Medola, Medomin, Medresco, medrogestone, medrol, medron, medroxalol, medroxyprogesterone, medulan, medulla, medulla oblongata, medullae, medullarenis, medullary, medullary ray, medullated, medullation, medullectomy, medullin, medullitis, medullization, medulloblast, medulloblastoma, medullocell, medulloepithelioma, medulloid, Medullosaceae, medullose, medullosis, medullosuprarenoma, medusa, Medusalike, medusan, medusas, Medusetta, Medusettidae, medusocongestin, medusoid, medusoma, medusome, MEE, meed, Meehanite, meek, meeken, Meeker, meekly, meekness, meemies, meerkat, meerschalminite, meerschaum, Meerut, meet, meet up with, meet-homomorphism, meeting, meeting house, meeting of minds, meeting place, meetinghouse, meeting-point, meetings, meetion, meetly, Meeto, MEF, mefeclorazine, mefenorex, mefexamide, mefloquine, mefoxin, MEFR, mefruside, meg, mega, mega-, megabacterium, megabar, megabarye, megabit, megabits, megabladder, megabreccia, megabromite, megabuck, megabusiness, megabyte, megacalorie, megacalycosis, megacalyx, megacanthopore, megacardia, megacaryocyte, megacaryophthisis, megacdrporation, megacecum, megacephalia, megacephalic, megacephalous, megacephaly, Megachile, megachilid, Megachilidae, megachip, Megachiroptera, megachromosome, megacine, megacity, megaclad, megaclast, megaclone, megacoccus, megacolon, megacorporation, megacorpse, megacoulomb, megacryst, megacrystalline, megacurie, megacycle, megacyclothem, megadalton, megadeal, megadeath, megadebt, Megadermatidae, megadolichocolon, megadont, megadontia, megadose, megaduodenum, megadynamics, megadyne, megaelectronvoltcurie, Megaera, megaerg, mega-esophagus, megaevolution, megafarad, megafauna, megaflop, megafog, Megagaea, megagame, megagamete, megagametophyte, megagauss, megagon, megagrained, megahertz, megahit, megajet, megajoule, megakaryoblast, megakaryoblastoma, megakaryocyte, megakaryocytosis, megakaryophthisis, megakecutgal, megakeryoblast, megalakria, megalecithal, megalencephalon, megalgia, megaline, megaliter, megalith, megalithic, megalitre, megalo-, megaloblast, megaloblastic, megaloblastic anemia, megalocardia, megalocephalia, megalocephalic, megalocephalous, megalocephaly, megaloceros, megaloclitoris, megalocystis, megalocyte, megalocytosis, megalodontia, Megalodontoidea, megalo-enteron, megalo-esophagus, megalogastria, megaloglossia, megalograph, megalohepatia, megalomania, megalomaniac, Megalomycteroidei, megalopa, megalopenis, megalophage, megalophobia, megalophthalmia, megalophthalmos, megalophthalmus, megaloplankton, megaloplastocyte, megalopolis, megalops, megalopsia, megalopsy, Megaloptera, megalopteran, Megalopygidae, megalosaur, megalosaurus, megalosphere, megalosphericus, megalosplenia, megalosyndactyly, megalothymus, megaloureter, megalourethra, megamachine, megamega, megamere, megamerger, Megamerinidae, megameter, megametre, megamillionaire, megamitochondria, megamitochondrion, megampere, Megan, Megane, meganephridium, meganewton, meganewton-meter, meganthropus, meganucleus, megaohm, megaparsec, megapascal, Megaperm, megaphanerophyte, Megaphen, megaphenocryst, megaphone, megaphyll, megaphyllous, megaphylly, megaphyric, megapixel, megaplankton, megaplate, megapod, megapode, Megapodiidae, megapoise, megapolis, megaproject, Megapyr, Megara, megarad, megarchidium, megarectosigmoid, megarectum, megarelief, Megarian, Megaric, megaripple, megaroentagen, megaroentgen, megaron, megarrhizin, megarutherford, megasclere, megasclerophyll, megascope, megascopic, megasecond, Megasecopteroidea, megasedimentology, megaseism, megashear, megasigmoid, megasil, megasoma, megasome, Megaspaera, megasporangium, megaspore, megasporocyte, megasporogenesis, megasporophyll, megass, megasse, megastage, megastar, megastore, megastream, megastructure, megasweep, Megatane, megatanker, megatechnics, megatectonics, megathere, megatherium, megatherm, megathermal, megathermaltype, megathermophyte, Megathymiinae, megathyrid, megaton, megatonnage, megatrend, Megatrichophyton, megatron, megaunit, megaureter, megavar, megavarmeter, megavarve, megaverse, megaversity, megavitamin, megavolt, megavoltage, megavolt-ampere, megawatt, megaword, megazoospore, MEG-CFC, MEG-CSF, megeresin, megerg, megestrol, megestrol acetate, megger, Meghalaya, Megiddo, megila, megillah, megilp, Megimide, megistotherm, meglumine, meglutol, megnetron, MEGO, MEGOGIGO, megohm, megohmit, megohmite, megohmmeter, megoxcyte, megoxyphil, megranate, megrim, megrims, meguilp, megw, mehanite, Mehetabel, Mehitabel, mehr, MEI, meiadiorite, Meibomian cyst, Meibomianitis, meibomitis, Meich'ung, Meiji, Meijirshin, meikle, meiler, meimechite, Mein Kampf, Meinertellidae, meinie, meiny, meiobar, meiobenthos, meiocyte, meiofauna, meiogyrous, meiomerous, meionite, meions, meiophase, meiophylly, meioses, meiosis, meiosome, meiosporangium, meiospore, meiostemonous, meiostomatous, meiotangium, meiotaxy, meiotherm, meiotic, meioticmitosis, meisen, Meissen, Meistersinger, meitauza, meitnerium, mejatron, MEK, mekapion, MEKC, Mekka, mekmycin, Meknes, mekometer, Mekon, Mekong, Mekong River, mekonine, Mekonium, mekralon, mekydro, mel, Mel Gibson, Mela, MELAB, melacacidin, melaconite, melada, meladiabase, meladinine, meladrazine, melaena, melaeneous, melagabbro, melagra, melainotype, Melaka, melaleuca, melalgia, melam, melamac, melamed, Melamin, melamine, melamine resin, melaminoplast, Melampaidae, Melamphaidae, Melampsoraceae, melampsporin, melampyrite, melan, melan-, melanaemia, melancholia, melancholiac, melancholic, melancholious, melancholy, Melanconiaceae, Melanconiales, Melandryidae, melanedema, melanemesis, melanemia, melanephidrosis, Melanesia, Melanesian, melange, mélange, melangeur, melangolo, melanian, melanic, melanicterus, melanidrosis, Melanie, melaniferous, Melaniidae, melaniline, melanin, melanine, melanism, melanistic, melanite, melanize, melano-, melanoacanthoma, melanoameloblastoma, melanoblast, melanoblastoma, melanoblastosis, melanocarcinoma, melanocerite, Melanochroi, melanocrate, melanocratic, melanocyte, melanocytoma, melanocytosis, melanoderm, melanoderma, melanodermatitis, melanodermia, melano-epithelioma, melanoflocculation, melanogen, melanogenesis, melanoglosia, melanoglossia, melanoid, melanoidin, melanoliberin, melanoma, melanomatosis, melanomyces, melanomycin, melanonychia, melanopathy, melanophage, melanophlogite, melanophore, melanophorin, melanoplakia, melanoprecipitation, melanoprotein, melanoptysis, melanorrhagia, melanosarcoma, melanosarcomatosis, melanoscirrhus, melanoscope, melanose, melanosis, melanosome, melanospermous, melanosporin, melanosporous, melanostatin, melanostibian, melanotekite, melanothallite, melanotic, melanotrichia, melanotroph, melanotropin, melanous, melanovandite, melanterite, melantine, melanunia, melanuria, melaphyre, melarsen, melarsoprol, Melasidae, melasma, melasol, melasome, melassigenic, Melastomatceae, melastome, melatonin, melatope, Melba, melba toast, melbine, melbinum, Melbourne, Melburnian, Melchers, Melchior, Melchizedek, MELCOM, meld, melding, meldometer, mele, Meleager, Meleagrididae, meleagris gallopavo, melee, mêlee, melena, melene, melengestrol, meleril, meletin, melexitose, melezitose, Meliaceae, meliaceous, Meliae, Melian, meliatin, melibiase, melibiose, melic, meligrin, melilite, melilitie, melilitite, Melilla, melilot, melilotin, melilotoside, melinacidin, melinae, Melinda, meline, melinex, melinite, Melinninae, melioidosis, Meliolaceae, Meliolales, meliorable, Melioran, meliorate, melioration, meliorative, meliorism, meliority, melipan, meliphane, meliphanite, melis, melisma, Melissa, melissane, melissate, melissin, melissophobia, melissotherapy, Melit, melitagra, melitemia, melitic, melitine, melitis, Melitopol, melitoptyalism, melitoptyalon, melitose, melitoxin, melitracen, melitriose, Melittangium, melittephile, Melittidae, melittin, melittopalynology, melittophilae, melituria, melixitase, melixitose, melizitase, melizitose, mell, mella, mellaril, mellate, mellein, meller, melliferous, mellifluence, mellifluent, mellifluous, mellilite, mellimide, melline, mellisic, mellisugous, mellita, mellite, mellitoxin, mellitum, mellituria, melliturid, Mellon, mellophone, mellorite, mellotron, mellow, mellower, mellowing, mellowly, mellowness, mellowy, mellozing, melmac, melmak, Melmex, melo, melocol, melodeon, melodia, melodic, melodica, melodics, melodie, melodion, melodious, melodise, melodist, melodize, melodrama, melodramatic, melodramatics, melodramatise, melodramatist, melodramatize, melodrame, melody, Melofil, melograph, meloid, Meloidae, Meloidea, meloidogynosis, Melolam, melolonthid, melomane, melomania, melomaniac, melon, melonal, melonbelly, meloncus, melon-cutting, melone, melonemetin, melonenemetin, melongena, melonia, melonidum, meloniform, melonite, melonoplasty, melonry, melons, melontoxin, Melopas, Melophagus, melorheostosis, melos, meloschisis, melphalan, Melpomene, Melprex, Melrose, melt, melt down, melt water, meltability, meltable, meltage, meltallizing, meltback, meltbility, meltcasted, meltdown, melted, melteigite, melter, melting, melting point, melting pot, melting-pot, melton, melt-out, meltshop, melt-stoichiometry, meltwater, melubrin, melungeon, Melurac, Melusinidae, Melva, Melville, Melwhite, Melyridae, Melyridoe, mem, mem., MEMA, member, member bank, Member of Parliament, memberless, members, membership, membership fee, membra, Membracidae, membrana tectoria, membranaceous, membranate, membrane, membranectomy, membranella, membranelle, membraneous, membraniform, membranin, Membranipora, Membraniporidae, membranization, membranocartilaginous, membranocranium, membranogen, membranometer, membranophone, Membranoptera, membranous, membron, membrum, memcon, meme, memento, memento mori, mementomori, memery, memex, memister, memistor, memmaker, memnescope, Memnon, memnonious, memo, memoir, memoire, memoirist, memoirs, memometer, memomotion, memomycin, memonic, memorabilia, memorability, memorable, memorables, memorably, memorandam, memorandum, memorial, Memorial Day, memorial park, memorial tablet, memorialin, memorialise, memorialist, memorialize, memorian, memoried, memories, memorious, memorise, memorization, memorize, memorizer, memory, memory access, memory cache, memory chip, memory device, memory trace, memoryless, memory-mapped, memorytron, memos, memoscope, memotron, Memphian, Memphis, Memphite, MEMS, memsahib, memvar, men, menaccanite, menace, menacer, menachanite, menacing, menacingly, menacme, Menad, menadione, Menado, menage, ménage, menagerie, Menai Strait, menakanite, menalgia, Menam, Menander, menaphthone, menaphthyl, menaquinone, menarche, menat, menazon, menbutone, Mencius, mend, mendable, mendacious, mendacity, mende, Mendel, Mendeleev, mendelevium, mendeleyevite, Mendelian, Mendelism, mendelizing, Mendelssohn, mendelyeevite, mender, mendery, Mendes, mendicancy, mendicant, mendicity, mending, mendip, mendipite, mendosicutes, Mendoza, mendozite, meneghinite, Menelaus, Menes, menfolk, menfolks, mengingitides, mengite, menglytate, mengovirus, mengwack, menhaden, menhir, menial, menially, menilite, meningeal, meningeoma, meningeorrhaphy, meninges, meninginitis, meningioma, meningism, meningismus, meningitic, meningitis, meningitophobia, meningoarteritis, meningocele, meningocephalitis, meningocerebirtis, meningococcaemia, meningococcemia, meningococcin, meningococcosis, meningococcus, meningocortical, meningocyte, meningoencepalitis, meningoencephalitis, meningoencephalocele, meningoencephalomyelitis, meningoencephalopathy, meningoexothelioma, meningofibroblastoma, meningohydroencephalocele, meningomalacia, meningomyelitis, meningomyelocele, meningomyelopathy, meningomyocele, meningopathy, meningopneumonitis, meningoradiculitis, meningorecurrence, meningorrhagia, meningorrhea, meningosarcoma, meningosis, meningothelioma, meningothelium, meningotyphoid, meningovascular, meninguria, meninx, meniscectomy, menischesis, menisci, meniscitis, Meniscium, meniscocyte, meniscocytosis, meniscoid, Meniscotheriidae, meniscotomy, meniscus, meniscuslens, menisine, Menispermaceae, menispermaceous, menispermine, menkind, Mennonist, Mennonite, meno, meno-, menoctone, Menodus, menoform, Menoidium, menology, menometrorrhagia, Menomini, menopad, menopathy, menopausal, menopause, menopausic, menophania, menoplania, Menoponidae, menorah, Menorca, menorrhagia, menorrhalgia, menorrheal, menoschesis, menosepsis, menostasia, menostasis, menostaxis, menotaxis, menotropins, menoxenia, mens, Mensa, mensae, mensal, mensarine, mensch, Menschen, menservants, menses, Menshevik, Menshevism, Menshevist, mensis, menstrua, menstrual, menstrual cycle, menstrual flow, menstruant, menstruate, menstruation, menstruous, menstruum, mensual, mensurability, mensurable, mensural, mensurate, mensuration, menswear, menta, mentagra, mental, mental age, mental capacity, mental deficiency, mental disease, mental disorder, mental health, mental hospital, mental hygiene, mental illness, mental image, mental imagery, mental process, mental representation, mental reservation, mental retardation, mental state, mental test, mentalcase, mentaldisorder, mentalics, mentalism, mentalist, mentalistic, mentality, mentally, mentally ill, mentally retarded, mentation, Mentawai, mentee, mentel, menthacamphor, menthaceous, menthandiol, menthane, menthe, menthene, menthocamphorate, menthofuran, menthol, mentholated, menthone, menthyl, menticide, mentimeter, mention, mentionable, mentism, mentobregmatic, menton, menton-philtrum, menton-supramentale, mentor, mentored, mentors, mentotectum, mentotransverse, mentulomania, mentum, menu, menubar, menudo, menuet, Menuhin, menuitem, Menurae, Menuridae, menus, Menyanthaceae, menyanthin, menyanthol, MEO, Meobal, Meotian, Meotrchis, meou, meow, MEP, mepacrine, mepartricin, mepazine, MEPC, meperidine, mephenamine, mephenesin, mephenoxalone, mephensine, mephetedrine, Mephisto, mephistophelean, Mephistopheles, Mephistophelian, mephitic, mephitical, mephitis, mephitismus, mephobarbital, mephosfolan, mephytal, mepicycline, mepindolol, mepirizole, mepivacaine, mepolam, MEPP, mepramidil, meprin, meprobamate, meprochol, mepronil, meprophendiol, meprotixol, meprylcaine, MEPS, mepyrapone, mEq, MER, MERA, Merak, meralgia, meralluride, Meramecian, meranti, meratran, merbaphen, merblastic, merbromin, merbromine, merc, Merca, mercadium, mercado, mercaleukin, mercalite, mercantile, mercantile law, mercantile system, mercantilism, mercantilist, mercapfining, mercaptal, mercaptalated, mercaptalation, mercaptan, mercaptide, mercapto, mercaptobenzothiazole, mercaptodimethur, mercaptoethanol, mercaptol, mercaptomerin, Mercaptophos, mercaptopurine, mercaptothiazole, mercaptotropolone, mercaptotropone, mercast, Mercator, Mercator projection, Mercedes, Mercedes-Benz, mercenarism, mercenary, mercenene, mercer, mercerisation, mercerise, mercerization, mercerize, mercerizer, mercerizing machine, mercery, merchandise, merchandiser, merchandising, merchandize, merchandizer, merchant, merchant bank, merchant marine, merchant ship, merchantable, merchanting, merchantlike, merchantman, merchrome, merchromize, merci, Mercia, Mercian, Mercier, merciful, mercifully, merciless, mercilessly, merciline, mercilless, Merck, Merckdelan, Mercoloy, mercuderamide, Merculine, mercurammonium, mercurate, mercuration, mercure, mercurial, mercurialine, mercurialise, mercurialism, mercuriality, mercurialization, mercurialize, Mercurian, mercuriated, mercuric, mercuric chloride, mercuride, mercurification, mercurify, mercurimetric, mercurimetrictitration, mercurimetry, mercurizate, mercurize, mercuroammonium, mercurobutol, mercurochrome, mercuro-iodo-formaline, mercurol, mercurophen, mercurophylline, mercurous, mercurous chloride, mercurousoxide, mercuroxyammonium, mercury, mercury chloride, mercury thermometer, mercurypool, mercury-sealed, mercusal, mercusol, mercy, mercy killing, MERDC, merdeka, merdivorous, mere, Meredith, merely, meremphraxis, merenchyma, merengue, mereographic, merergasia, mereses, merestone, merethoxylline, meretricious, meretrix, mergal, Mergamma, merganser, merge, merge into, merged, mergee, merge-match, mergence, merger, merger agreement, mergerite, mergers, merges, merging, Mergui, mericarp, Merida, meridian, meridian-sensitive, meridianus, meridic, meridiem, meridional, meridisk, meridosternous, merienda, Merilene, Merilising, meringue, merino, merino sheep, merinthophobia, merinyl, Merioneth, meriphyll, merisis, merislon, merism, merismatic, merismatoid, merismite, merisoprol, merispore, meristele, meristem, meristematic, meristemoid, meristic, meristiform, meristogenetic, merit, merit and demerit, merit pay, merit system, merited, merithal, meritocracy, meritocrat, Meritol-metol, Meritor, meritorious, merits, merl, merle, merlin, merlinoite, merlon, merlons, merlot, merluccio, mermaid, Mermaids, merman, mermen, Mermis, mermithaner, mermithergate, mermithid, Mermithidae, mermithogyne, Mermithoidea, meroblast, meroblastic, merochrome, merocoxalgia, merocrine, merocrinetype, merocring, merocriny, merocrystalline, merocyanine, merocyst, merodesmosine, merodiploid, merodont, meroergasia, merogamy, merogenesis, merogony, merohdrism, merohedral, merohedrism, merokinesis, meromixis, meromorphic, meromyosin, meronecrobiosis, meronecrosis, meront, merontozone, Merope, meropia, Meropidae, meroplankton, meropleurite, meropodite, meropodium, meroquinene, merorachischisis, meros, merosmia, merosporangium, merospore, merostaxis, merosymmetrical, merosymmetry, merotomize, merotomy, merotropism, Merovingian, meroxene, Merozoa, merozoite, merozygote, merphalan, merrihueite, merrillite, merrily, Merrimac, merriment, merriness, Merritt, merron, merry, merry-andrew, merry-go-round, Merryl Wyn Davies, merrymaker, merrymaking, merryman, merrythought, merrywing, mersalyl, Merseyside, mersh, mersolite, Mertensian, mertenyl, Merthiolate, mertialess, Merton, Mervin, merwinite, merycism, Meryl Streep, merzlota, MES, mesa, mesabite, mesa-butte, Mesacanthidae, mesaconate, mesaconine, mesaconitine, mesad, mesadenia, mesal, mesalliance, mésalliance, mesange, mesangium, mesantion, mesantoin, mesappendix, mesarch, mesareic, mesarima, mesarteritis, mesascutella, mesaticephalism, mesaticephaly, mesatikerkic, mesatipellic, mesatipelvic, mesatone, mesatransistor, mesavac, mesaxon, mesaxonic, mesc, mescal, Mescalero, mescalin, mescaline, mesdames, mesdemoiselles, meseclazone, mesectoblast, mesectoderm, meseems, meself, mesembrene, mesembrianthemum, mesembryanthemum, mesembryo, mesencephalic, mesencephalitis, mesencephalohypophysial, mesencephalon, mesencephalothalamotomy, mesencephalotomy, mesenchyma, mesenchymal, mesenchymatous, mesenchyme, mesenchymoma, mesendoderm, mesenterectomy, mesenteric, mesenteric artery, mesenterin, mesenteriopexy, mesenteriophthisis, mesenteriorrhaphy, mesenteriplication, mesenteritis, mesenterium, mesenteron, mesentery, mesentoderm, mesentomere, mesepimeron, mesepisternum, meseta, mesexine, MESFET, MESG, mesh, Meshach, meshed, meshes, meshgrid, meshing, meshingtester, meshuga, meshugaas, meshugana, meshugga, meshugge, meshwork, meshy, mesial, mesic, mesicerin, Mesichthyes, Mesichthys, mesidino, mesidium, mesinae, mesinfraepisternum, mesiocclusion, mesiodens, mesio-occlusion, mesioversion, mesiris, mesition, mesitite, mesitol, Mesitornis, Mesitornithidae, mesitoyl, mesityl, mesitylene, mesityloxide, mesjid, mesmeric, mesmerisation, mesmerise, mesmerism, mesmerist, mesmerization, mesmerize, mesmerizer, mesnalty, mesne, mesne lord, meso-, Mesoamerica, mesoanalysis, mesoappendicitis, mesoappendix, mesoatom, mesobacteria, mesobacterium, mesobar, mesobenthos, mesobiladiene, mesobilane, mesobilicyanin, mesobilierythrin, mesobilinogen, mesobilirhodin, mesobilirubin, mesobilirubinogen, mesobiliverdin, mesobiliviolin, mesobionta, mesobiota, mesobiotic, mesoblast, mesoblastema, mesoblastemic, Mesoblastus, mesobrochate, mesocardia, mesocardium, mesocarp, mesocaryon, mesocaryote, Meso-Cathaysian, mesoccle, mesocecal, mesocecum, mesocephalic, mesocephally, mesocephalon, mesocephalous, mesocercaria, mesocerebrum, Mesocestoides, Mesocestoididae, mesochemistry, mesochonchic, mesochoroidea, mesochroic, mesocladous, mesoclimate, mesoclimatology, mesocline, mesococcus, mesocoele, mesocoelia, mesocole, mesocolloid, mesocolon, mesocolpium, mesoconch, mesocone, mesoconid, mesocoracoid, mesocord, mesocoria, mesocosm, Mesocottus, mesocoxa, mesocranial, mesocrany, mesocrate, mesocratic, mesocrystalline, mesocuticle, mesocyclone, Mesocyprinus, mesocytoma, mesodentine, mesoderm, mesodermopath, Mesodesmatidae, mesodialyte, Mesodinium, mesodont, mesodontism, mesodynamics, mesoeconomic, mesoesophagus, mesofauna, meso-form, mesogamy, mesogaster, mesogastrium, Mesogastropoda, mesogenacerore, mesogene, mesogentiogenin, mesogeosyncline, mesoglea, mesoglia, mesoglioma, mesogloea, mesognathic, mesognathous, mesognathy, mesogneiss, mesograined, mesogranulation, mesogranule, mesohaline, mesohalobion, mesohemin, mesohepar, mesohigh, Mesohippus, mesohyl, mesohypoblast, mesoiden, mesoinositol, mesoisomer, mesojejunum, mesokaryote, mesolamella, mesolepidoma, mesolimnion, mesoline, mesolite, mesolithic, mesolobus, mesology, mesolow, mesolymphocyte, mesolyte, mesomer, mesomere, mesomerism, mesomeristem, mesomeros, mesomesenchyme, mesometeorology, Mesometrium, mesomitosis, mesomorph, mesomorphic, mesomorphictype, mesomorphism, mesomorphous, mesomorphy, mesomucinase, mesomula, Mesomyodi, meson, Mesonemertini, mesonephridium, mesonephron, mesonephros, mesoneritic, mesonexine, mesonium, mesonorm, mesonotum, Mesonychidae, Mesonyssus, Mesonyx, mesooecium, mesopause, mesopeak, mesopedes, mesopegmatophyre, mesopelagic, mesopetalum, mesopexy, mesophanerophyte, mesophase, mesophile, mesophilic, mesophilous, mesophily, mesophlebion, mesophlebitis, mesophlebium, mesophragma, mesophyll, mesophyllic, mesophyte, mesophytism, mesophytization, mesoplankton, mesoplasm, mesoplast, mesoplastron, mesoplate, mesoplax, mesopleuron, Mesoplophoridae, mesopodium, mesopore, mesoporium, mesoporphyrinogen, meso-position, Mesopotamia, mesoprescutum, mesoprosopic, mesoprosopy, Mesoproterozoic, mesopsammon, mesopterygium, mesoptile, Mesoranil, mesorchium, mesorectum, mesorelief, Mesoreodon, mesorrhaphy, mesorrhine, Mesosalpinx, mesosaprobe, Mesosauria, Mesosauridae, Mesosaurus, mesoscale, mesoscope, mesoscutellum, mesoscutum, mesosere, mesoseries, mesosiderite, mesosigmoid, mesosilexite, mesosilicate, mesoslope, mesosomatous, mesosome, mesosoprano, mesosperm, mesosphere, mesospiracles, mesospore, mesosporium, mesostasis, mesostate, mesosternellum, mesosternum, mesostethium, Mesostigmata, Mesostoma, mesostomoblaste, mesostroma, mesostructure, mesostyle, Mesosuchia, mesosulcus, mesosuture, mesosyphilis, mesot, Mesotaeniaceae, Mesotaenium, Mesotardigrada, mesotarsus, mesotartrate, mesotectonics, Mesotendineum, mesotendon, mesotergum, mesoternum, mesotheca, mesothecium, mesothelial, mesothelioma, mesothelium, mesotherm, mesothermal, mesothethium, mesothoracic, mesothoracotheca, mesothorax, mesothorium, mesothyrid, mesotil, mesotocin, mesotomy, mesoton, mesotourmalite, mesotriaene, mesotrochus, mesotron, mesotroph, mesotrophic, mesotrophy, mesotype, meso-uranic, mesovarium, Mesoveliidae, mesoxalate, mesoxalyl, mesoxane, mesoxyalyurea, Mesozoa, mesozoan, Mesozoic, mesozoic era, mesozone, mesozooid, mesquit, mesquite, mesquitelite, mess, mess about, mess around, mess hall, mess jacket, message, messages, messaline, messanomycin, messbeef, messboy, messcylinder, messdeck, messe, Messeigneurs, messelite, messenger, messenger RNA, Messerschmitt, Messi, messiah, messianic, messianism, Messidor, messieurs, messily, Messina, messing, messingite, messman, messmate, messmateism, messmotor, messroom, Messrs, Messrs., messtin, messuage, mess-up, messy, mestanolone, mestee, mester, mesterolone, mestigmerite, M-estimator, mestinon, mestite, mestiza, mestizo, Mestizos, mestome, mestranol, mesulfamide, mesulfen, mesulphen, mesuprine, mesuramic, mesyl, mesylate, mesylerythrol, mesyloxyethylaminohexitol, met, meta, meta-, metaacetaldehyde, meta-acid, meta-aminotoluene, meta-analysis, meta-ankoleite, meta-anthracite, meta-anthropology, meta-antimonate, meta-antimonite, meta-arkose, meta-arsenate, meta-arsenite, metaarteriole, metaassembler, meta-autunite, metab, metabasalt, metabasidium, metabasis, metabasite, metabentonite, metabiology, metabiosis, metabisulfite, metabit, metablastesis, metabograph, metabolic, metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, metabolic disorder, metabolic process, metabolic rate, metabolicdisorder, metabolimeter, metabolimetry, metabolin, metabolise, metabolism, metabolite, metabolize, metabolodispersion, metabology, metabolon, metabolopathology, metabolor, metabolous, metaboly, metabond, metabooks, metaboracite, metaborate, metabutoxycaine, metacarpal, metacarpale, metacarpectomy, metacarpodigitals, metacarpus, metacellulose, metacenter, metacentre, metacephalon, metacercaria, metacestode, metacetaldehyde, metacetone, metacheirisis, metachemistry, Metachlamydeae, metachoresis, metachromatic, metachromatin, metachromatism, metachrome, metachromia, metachromosome, metachrosis, metacinnabar, metacinnabarite, metacladium, metaclass, metaclypeus, metacmpile, metacneme, metacode, metacoele, metacoeloma, metacognition, metacolizing, Metacomet, metacommunication, metacommunity, metacompilation, metacompiler, meta-compound, metacone, metaconid, metacontrast, metaconule, Metacopina, metacortandralone, metacryptozoite, metacrystalline, metacyclic, metacyesis, metadata, metadatabase, Metadelphene, meta-derivative, metaderm, metadiabase, metadiazine, metadiorite, metadiscoidal, meta-discourse, metadoxine, metaduodenum, metadurain, metadyne, metadysentery, meta-element, metaestrus, metaethics, meta-exsudatinite, metafemale, metafiction, metafile, metafilter, metafiltration, metaformaldehyde, metafuel, metagabbro, metagalactic, metagalaxy, metage, metagelatin, metagenesis, metagenic, metageography, metaglycodol, metaglygh, metagnathous, metagnostics, metagon, metagonimiasis,


3G, 401(K), a,


当月 CNN 10 学生英语

Instead it counts down to the apocalypse.



Counting down from number five, your style of walking.



Counting down, here's test number seven.



The count down to their autumn migration has already begun.



Sandhya, can you count down from ten for me, please?

Sandhya 你能帮我从十开始倒吗?

我们这天 第二季

I'm actually counting down the days until it's released.



Find out as we count down the Top 10 Bad Business Handshakes.



Everyone counts down to midnight, then they say 'cheers' and drink champagne.



I should've been counting down-- 35, 30, 25 and so forth.

我会这样直倒计时下去35年 30年 25年 等等。

TED演讲(音频版) 2015年2月合集

Let's find out by counting down the top 10 myths of psychology.

让我们心理学的 前十个错误观念。


Okay, Kate, I'd like you to count down with me from ten.

好了凯特 跟我起倒十个


Let's count down from: 14. Celebrating the full moon.



All you have to do is close your eyes and count down from ten.

你只需闭上眼睛,从 10 开始倒


Howard. Dramatically, can you count the number of black cards in your hand down?

霍华德 你可以下你的黑牌有几张吗?

VOA Special 2020年2月合集

They and other families are counting down the days to when the 2-week quarantine ends.



She watched the clock, chomping on her mouth guard as she counted down the seconds.



Counting down from number ten, you realize how much you don't know.


AP 听力 2015年1月合集

That's the message from NASA as it counts down to the launch of the spacecraft Orion.


BBC 听力 2014年1月合集

China counted down to midnight with light shows at the Great Wall near Beijing and in Shanghai.


Call Me by Your Name 请以你的名字呼唤我

This was probably the first time I allowed myself to count down his remaining days in B.




metallochrome, metallochromy, metallocyanide, metalloenzyme, metalloflavoprotein, metallogenesis, metallogenetic, Metallogenium, metallogeny, metallograph,


3G, 401(K), a,
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