| 划词

An experienced, astute clinician can often diagnose ICSC based solely upon the history and chief complaint-a young, anxious patient who presents with unilateral metamorphopsia of recent onset.




cost-efficient, Costello, costen, costene, coster, Costermansville, costermonger, cost-free, cost-freight-insurance, costful, costing, costive, costless, costliness, costly, costmary, costo-, costodiaphragmitis, cost-of-living, costol, costopneumopexy, costoscapular, costosternoplasty, costotome, costotomy, costotransversectomy, cost-plus, cost-plus-fixed-fee, cost-push, cost-recovering, costrel, costrip, costs, costula, costumbrista, costume, costume designer, costumed, costumer, costumes, costumey, costumier, costuming, costunolide, costuslactone, cosulfa, cosupervision, cosuppression, co-surety, co-suretyship, cosurfactant, cosurveillance, cosy, cosynthesis, co-synthesis, cosynthetase, cot, cot death, cotamer, cotangent, COTAR, cotarnine, cotarnone, cot-case, cot-death, cote, coteau, coteaux, cotechino, cotelomer, cotemaker, cotemporaneous, cotemporary, cotenancy, cotenant, cotensor, co-tensor, coterie, coterminal, coterminous, Cotes, coth, Cothias, cothurn, cothurnus, cotics, cotidal, cotillion, cotillon, cotinga, Cotingidae, cotmar, coto, Cotofor, cotoin, Coton, cotoneaster, cotonier, Cotonou, Cotopaxi, cotquean, cotransaminase, cotranscript, cotranscription, cotransduction, cotransfection, cotransformation, cotranslation, cotransport, cotree, co-tree, COTS, Cotswold, Cotswolds, cotta, cottage, cottage cheese, cottage industry, cottage pie, cottager, cottar, cottaring, cottarpinning, cotte, cotter, cotter pin, cotterel, cottering, cotter-pin, cotterpinning, cotterway, Cottidae, cottier, Cottiformes, cottle, Cottoidei, cotton, cotton ball, cotton candy, cotton cloth, cotton fiber, cotton flannel, cotton gin, cotton mill, cotton on, cotton rose, cotton wood, cotton wool, cottonade, cottonbelt, cottonette, cottonine, cottonize, cottonizing, cottonmouth, cottonocracy, Cottonopolis, cotton-padded, cottonpickin', cottonpicking, cottonpox, cottonseed, cottonseed oil, cottontail, cottontape, cottonweed, cottonwood, cottonwool, cottony, Cottrell, cottrell precipitator, Cottus, cotunnite, co-twin, cotyla, cotyle, cotyledon, cotyledonous, cotyloid, cotylopubic, cotylosacral, cotylosaur, cotype, cotype(=syntype), coucal, couch, couch grass, couch potato, couchant, couche, couchee, coucher, couchette, couch-grass, couching, couchy, Coudé, couette, cougar, cougars, cough, cough drop, coughing, coughs, Couinae, coul, coulability, could, coulda, couldn't, couldst, coulee, coulentum, coulibiac, coulisse, couloir, coulomb, coulombic, coulombmeter, coulometer, coulometrictitration, coulometry, coulopotentiography, coulostatic analysis, coulter, coumachlor, Coumadin, coumafuryl, coumalin, coumaphos, Coumaran, coumarin, coumarone, coumermycin, council, Council Bluffs, council board, council chamber, council tax, councilboard, councilchamber, council-chamber, councillor, councilman, councilor, councilorship, councils, councilwoman, counit, counsel, counselable, counselee, counseling, counselling, counsellor, counselor, counselor-at-law, count, count down, count in, count off, count on, count out, count up, countability, countable, countdown, count-down, countenance, counter, counter-, counter attack, counter balance, counter check, counter current, counter example, counter offer, counter punch, counter top, counter weight, counteraccusation, counteract, counteractant, counteraction, counteractive, counter-adaptation, counteradvertising, counteradvice, counteragent, counterappeal, counterapproach, counterargue, counterargument, counterattack, counterattraction, counterbalance, counterbalancing, counterbattery, counter-bid, counterblast, counterblow, counterbore, counterboring, counterboy, counterbrace, counterbracing, counterbuff, counterbuffer, counter-camber, counterchange, countercharge, countercheck, counter-circulation, counterclaim, counterclamps, counterclockwise, counter-clockwise, countercommercial, counterconditioning, counter-controller, counter-countermeasures, countercoup, countercredit, countercry, counterculture, countercurrent, countercyclical, countercylinder, counterdeclaration, counterdeed, counter-deed, counterdemand, counterdemonstrate, counterdemonstration, counterdevice, counterdie, counter-doping, counter-down, counterdrain, counterdraw, counterdrive, counterdrug, counterearth, counteredge, counter-electrode, counterelectrophoresis, counterespionage, counteretch, counterevidence, counter-evolution, counterexample, counterextension, counterface, counterfactual, counterfeit, counterfeiter, counterfeiting, counterfeits, counterflange, counter-flashing, counterflow, counterfoil, counterforce, counterfort, countergirl, counterglow, counterguard, counter-indemnity, counter-induction, counter-inflationary, counterinsurgency, counterinsurgent, counterintelligence, counterintuitive, counterion, counterions, counterirritant, counterirritate, counterirritation, counter-irritation, counterjerk, counter-jerk, counterjumper, counterlath, counterlathing, counterlight, counterlode, counterman, countermand, countermarch, countermark, countermarketing, countermeasure, countermeasurer, countermelody, countermine, countermissile, countermodulation, counter-modulation, countermoment, countermortar, countermove, countermovement, countermure, counteroffensive, counteroffer, counteropening, counterorder, counterpane, counterpart, counterphobic, counterpiston, counterplan, counterplay, counterplea, counterplead, counterplot, counterpoint, counterpoise, counterpole, counterpose, counter-potential, counterpressure, counterproductive, counterprofile, counterprogram, counterprogramming, counterproof, counterpropaganda, counterpropagation, counterpropeller, counterproposal, counterproposition, counterpull, counterpulsation, counterpunch, counterradiation, counter-rail, counterreaction, counter-recoil, counterreconnaissance, counterreformation, counterreply, counterrevolution, counterrevolutionary, counter-revolutionary, counterrevolutionist, counterrotating, counterrotation, counterscarp, countersea, counterselection, countershading, countershaft, countershear, countershock, countersign, countersignature, countersink, countersinking, counterslope, counterspy, counterstain, counterstaining, counterstatement, Counter-Strike, counterstroke, countersubject, countersuggestion, countersun, countersunk, countertelescope, countertendency, countertenor, counterterror, counterterrorism, counterterrorist, counter-test, counterthrust, countertide, countertop, countertorque, countertrade, countertrades, countertransference, countertrend, countertube, counterturn, counter-twilight, countertwist, countertype, counterurbanization, countervail, countervailing, countervailing duty, countervailingcredit, countervanes, counter-vault, counterveins, counterview, counterviolence, counterweigh, counterweight, counterword, counterwork, counterworker, countess, countian, counting, counting house, countingcup, counting-frame, countinghouse, counting-number, counting-plate, countingring, counting-room, countless, countout, countrified, countrify, country, country club, country house, country music, country of origin, country-and-western, country-born, country-bred, country-cut, country-dance, countryfied, countryfolk, country-house, countryman, countrymen, countrypeople, countryroad, countryseat, countryside, countryward, countrywide, country-wide, countrywoman, countship, county, county agent, county council, county seat, county town, county-court, coup, coup de grace, coup de main, coupe, coupé, coupe-cabriolet, Couper, coupes, Coupet, coupist, coupla, couplant, couple, couple-close, coupled, coupledom, coupler, couplers, couples, couplet, couplets, coupling, coupling-out, couplings, coupon, coupon bond, coupons, courage, courageous, courageously, courant, courante, courbature, courbette, courge, courgette, courier, courlan, Courlene, Courlose, Cournand, couronne, course, course of instruction, course offering, coursed, courser, courses, courseware, coursework, coursing, court, court card, court house, court martial, court of appeals, court of chancery, court order, court tennis, court-card, Courtelle, courteous, courteously, courtesan, courtesy, courtezan, courtgame, courthouse, court-house, courtier, court-in, court-leet, courtlike, courtliness, courtling, courtly, court-martial, Courtney, courtplaster, courtroom, courts, courtship, courtside, courtyard, couscous, cousin, cousin-german, cousin-in-law, cousinly, cousinry, Cousins, coussein, cousso, couteau, coutel, couterblow, couth, couthie, coutil, couture, couturie&2&re, couturier, couturiere, couturière, couvade, couvercle, couverture, Couvinian, covalence, covalency, covalent, covalent bond, covar, covariability, covariance, covariant, covariation, covary, cove, covelline, covellite, coven, covenant, covenanted, covenantee, covenanter, covenantor, covent, coventrate, coventry, cover, cover charge, cover crop, cover for, cover girl, cover glass, cover letter, cover over, cover plate, cover slip, cover up, coverage, coverall, cover-all, coveralls, coverboard, Coverdale, cover-device, covered, covered bridge, covered wagon, coverer, coverglass, covering, covering letter, coveringtransformation, coverlet, coverlid, cover-point, coversed, coversed-sine, coverslip, cover-slip, covert, covertly, coverture, cover-up, covet, covetable, coveted, covetous, covetously, covey, covibration, COVID, covin, coving, covite, covolume, cow, cowage, cowanyoung, coward, cowardice, cowardly, cowbane, cowbeck, cowbell, cowberry, cowbind, cowbird, cowboy, cowboy boot, cowboy hat, cowboying, cowboys, cowcatcher, cow-day, Cowdria, cower, cowering, Cowes, cowfish, cowgate, cowgirl, cowgrass, cowhage, cowhand, cowhearted, cowheel, cow-heel, cow-heifer, cowhells, cowherb, cowherd, cowhide, cowhouse, cowish, cowitch, cowk, cowl, cowled, Cowles, Cowley, cowlformer, cowlhead, cowlick, cow-lick, cowlike, cowling, cowllight, cowlstaff, cowlventilated, cowman, coworker, co-worker, cow-parsley, cowpat, cowpea, cowpeas, Cowper, cowperitis, cowpoke, cowpox, cowpuncher, cowrie, cowries, cowry, cowshed, cowshee, cowshot, cowskin, cowslip, cowson, cowsong, cowtail, cowy, cox, coxa, coxacoila, coxae, coxagra, coxal, coxalgia, coxalgy, coxankylometer, coxarthrocace, coxarthropathy, coxasuture, coxcomb, coxcombical, coxcombry, coxed, Coxiella, coxite, coxites, coxitis, coxless, coxodynia, coxofemoral, coxola, coxopleura, coxopleurite, coxopodite, coxostermum, coxosternite, coxosternum, Coxsackie virus, coxswain, coxswainship, coxy, coy, coydog, coyly, coyness, coyote, Coyote State, coyotes, coyotillo, coyoting, coypu, coz, coze, cozen, cozenage, COZI, cozily, coziness, cozy, cozymase, cozymaze, cozzpot, CP, CPA, CPAA, CPAFFC, CPAP, C-parity, CPAs, CPB, CPBR, CPC, CPCU, CPD, cpd., CPE, CPFF, CPG, CPI, CPIC, cpicyesis, CPIP, CPITN, CPK, CPL, cpl., CPLD, CPM, CPMET, CPMP, CPMS, CPN, CPO, CPOS, CPP, CPPB, CPPCC, CPPD, CPR, cps, CPSA, CPSC, CPSIA, CPSK, CPSS, CPSU, CPT, CPU, CPUCLK, CPUs, CPU-Z, CPV, CPVC, CQ, CQC, CQD, CQS, CQT, c-quark, CR, CrA, craal, crab, crab apple, crab louse, crab meat, crab nebula, crabapple, crab-apple, crabbed, crabber, crabbery, crabbily, crabbing, crabby, crabeater, crabfest, crabgrass, crabhole, crablet, crablike, crab-like, crab-louse, crabman, crab-pot, crabs, crabsidle, crabstick, Crabtown, crabwise, crabwood, crachin, Cracidae, crack, crackability, crackable, crackajack, crackate, crackback, crackbrain, crackbrained, crack-brained, crackdown, crack-down, cracked, cracker, cracker-barrel, crackerjack, crackers, crackfree, cracking, crackings, crackjaw, crackle, crackled, crackles, crackless, crackleware, crackling, crackly, crackmeter, cracknel, crack-per-pass, crackpot, crack-sensitivity, crackskull, cracksman, crack-up, cracky, Cracovians, Cracow, cracy, cradin, cradina, cradle, cradle cap, Cradle Song, cradleland, cradles, cradlesong, cradle-song, cradle-to-grave, cradling, craft, craft fair, craft of poetry, craft union, crafted, crafter,


3G, 401(K), a,



These are all examples of some common visual hallucinations associated with the syndrome, all generally called metamorphopsia, or visual distortions of size, movement, or color.




crampoon, cramps, cran, cranage, cranated, cranberry, cranberry sauce, cranch, crandall, crandallite,


3G, 401(K), a,
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